Psychology and Decision Research
Teleologic for Earthbound Life Psychology and Decision Research
Qualified reduction of false instances in structure lead to epistemic congruence and positive result. Academic predisposition sometimes interferes with correct assumptions of scale and evolutionary harmony. Multidisciplinary competence is often congruent yet is in a modal functionality as an accommodation of form and scale. Information as a structural recursion in integrated hierarchy can deplete holistic continuity. Action potential and gradients of actuation interact as a tenuous management of perceptual capacity and redundant semiotics. In this plethora of assembly we encounter direct attunement as information, as latent expectations of value become central and an interpretation of mindfulness and occidental thought. Incorrect bias and conclusion is non evolutionary construct, we choose the applicable normalcy from the least destructive actuos.
Tribal primaries in the inanimate non-evolutionary functioning matter perform symmetry. Synthetic augmentation leads to sub-cognitive community recognition.
[ associative logic and contingency as rational ] [ probability ] : Kn - k P=1 -K Kn=k*1...6
Kkn [ assertive self-ascribed instance ]
Kkn [ monetary volume ] [ time ]
Kkn [ immaterial perspective ] [ action ] [ time ] [ assertive polarity ]
Kkn [ human security optimism as a near-term financial loss ] [ ] [ impact value as value creation intentional implication ] [ bias ]
Kkn [ positive extension ] [ repression ] [ physiological elasticity ]
Kkn [ trust ] [ data ] -kn Kkn [ assertive self-ascribed instance ]
Kkn [ phenomenological contagion ] [ verbatim ] [ node ]
Kkn [ curiosity ] [ inclusion ] [ accessible instance ] -kn [ curiosity ] [ instance ]
kn [ control structure ] -kn [ optimum human security ] [ probability ] P=1 kn [ constitutional fidelity ]
KN - Kkn [ stable volition ]
Kkn [ exafferrent harmony ] [ biotic harmony ] [ betrayal ] [ negative joy ]
Optimum human security limit becomes the individual and conversely, mutual onus, optimums with respect to economic nodes of fluctuation and time are allocated by impetus and economic control. The civil domain is constitutionally beholden outcome while deprived of material data, optimism has been downgraded as a function of exclusive entry ad rel carbon and management systems, governance. Allocation is material to continuity and civil right, stability. Impeccable movement is reflected as civilian interest where inertia becomes positive action and stable increment.
Institutions who manage client perspective supply human security data to simultaneously shelter impetus and instigate positive human security actions.
Funneling into incorrectly directed capability is counter to evolutionary equilibrium as irrational and assertive.
The following items are associated with input and timelines:
Global Denitrification
Thermohaline Cycle
Arctic Blackbody Gradient
Global Dimming
Methane Pulse
Phytoplankton Oxygen Depletion
Reforestation OLU Fire
Carbon Release from Humus Layer
Major institutions should be of the conducive disposition to focus allocation on certain issues, public purview is occasionally spurious yet near-term divulgence of negative context can lead to manageable curiosity. Internal sustainability programs and CSR as logic should be cogent with respect to the current state of knowledge.
As zeitgeber nature as node responds to articulation and physiology, phosphor as a chemical aspect of cognitive processes are exemplary of possible rationality and rate of conceptual adoption between nerve and beneficial rationality as antioxidization. In attunement angstrom as accurate perceptual field and mass as Kth function express the Nth node as physiology and a zero as resolution of universe and receptive theory, frequency and collective humanity embody common experience as density and equilibrium with electron rotation. In occidental practice atomic ground is a starting point for unity and observation. Traversal toward deprecated (deprecated relative to evolution and biological symmetry) objects as experiential and magnetic is also ground healing the autonomous continuity of coherence or living matter. Strategy and destruction as exemplary of magnetism and culture are objects of antinomian release from common morality and inclusion as exculpatory design.
v. radical variable
a. phosphor : adrenal
b. tensor release 24h
c. assembly range
d. torsion minima
e. [ t ] A MK [ n ] U10 [ π ] Nλ n+ [ 1v ] torsion
time vector mass complete
n. node, number manifold rotational [ v return completion ]
boundary cohesion differential
return phase [ 1 ][ +1 ] [ 0 ][ - 0 ]
| 1 | 2 | 3 | chemical, position
[ intuitive acuity ]
[ interpolate matter ]
[ symmetry ] [ identity ]
[ culture ]
[ nascent ] [ intelligent design ]
[ historical materialism ] [ conquest ]
[ systemic acumen ] [ rent structure ]
[ interpolate matter ]
[ DSM ] [ strategy ] [ exculpatory ]
[ secular humanism ] [ inversion ]
[ interpolate matter ]
[ antinomian ]
The City of Paris - Robert Delaunay HKn : Hn NUDE
The following is a list of links to potentially form a simplified structure for generating a cogent platform for sustainability or specifically carbon assessment, using the first document we could use natural language processing described in the Stanford paper to originate a financial instrument structure, then integrate aggregation similar to Bloomberg Terminal then algorithms and finally analysis, some of which could be integrated with mapping.
Energy Multi-Criteria Analysis Tool - Energy Multi-Criteria Analysis tool - IIASA
Modeling Framework | PNNL: Fundamental & Computational Sciences - PRIMA
[ externality and structure: causation - information ]
[ material risk disclosure, disclosure and energy integration, carbon disclosure as a contingency to investment inclusion ]
[ time - financial integration and abrupt internal decisions, weight, aggregation, algorithm trading ]
[ ownership allocation and risk exposure, indexes bundled risk ]
[ sovereign wealth funds impact regional ]
[ cognition inclusion asymmetrical information internal information material risk ]
[ disposition of aversion - information management and time elapsed - inaction ]
[ divestment quantity elasticity ]
[ volume value ]
[ transition risks: supply shock, optimism, shares, management input ] [ scheduling ]
[ defense stipulation ] [ IMF stipulation ]
[ inclusion - reporting ]
[ decision matrix for block chain, server systems - intranet - networks ] [ financial ] [ control structure decision authority public policy ]
[ cognition inclusion asymmetrical information ]
[ modelling PRIMA ]
Integrated Assessment Models
Liquidity - Coupling
[ aggregate distribution ] [ program funding ] [ deployment funding ] [ timed ]
[ community perspective ] [ PDIST ] [ LDIST ] psychological and legal distribution [ timed ]
[ municipal credit ] [ deployment rate ] [ supply chain ] [ timed ]
[ aggregate regional policy structure ] [ federal ] [ national ]
[ aggregate quantitative easing ] [ funds transfer as policy ] [ SDR input ] [ region ]
[ fiscal structure ] [ timed ]
[ abatement ] [ retirement ] [ stoppage ] [ timed ]
[ price pressure ] [ public velocity ]
[ household income ] [ timed ]
[ GDP assumptions ] [ physical logistics ]
[ economic structure ] [ coupling ]
[ securitization ] [ lock in ] [ instrument design ] [ value separation - transfer ]
[ global GDP downturn - pulling emissions intensive energy out of market as growth ] - [ QE as stable movement ]
[ under-scale as timed and induce marginal lock-in ex. CNG ] [ timed ]
Modular flexibility as regional stability - system stability [ timed ]
[ deprivation of time ] [ life ] [ charge ] e kn*n [ correct cognition ]
[ instance ] [ individual ] [ position ]
[ life ] [ death ] [ stagnation ] [ gu ]
[ negative timelines as reflected by veritable scientific acumen ]
[ artificial polarity ] [ mythos ]
[ truth ] [ negative mythology ]
[ disengagement ] [ negative charge as mutuality ] [ functionalization of conflict ]
[ negative covert economy ] ekn-ekn [ truth ] ekn-ekn [ negative mythology ]
[ closure ] [ classical levity ] [ innate life ]
[ negative timelines carbon stipulate non-existent or negated position ]
[ qualified hierarchy ]
[ adherence to ubiquitous or exited vehement expectation of associative life ]
e kn- ek [ gu ]
[ priority ] [ authority ]
[ deprivation of correct instance ]
[ civil war ] [ population ] [ ] [ race ]
[ externalized tension ] [ incorrect alternates ]
[ the flashpoint always becomes life ]
[ levity of correct instance ] [ movement harmony ]
[ intentionality and prevention ] [ accommodation ]
[ paradoxes of fate as control structure ] [ negative ] kn-k [ positive ]
[ deprivation of correct instance ]
[ seizure ] [ associative life as control ] [ receptivity ] [ appropriate prejudice ]
[ balance ] [ intensity ] [ ]
[ deprivation of correct instance ]
[ judicial oversight procedure ]
[ constitutional fidelity ] [ charter ]
[ credibility ] [ high value cognition ]
[ non duality ]
Total motile pulsive push or [ primary ] recognizance [ attributed ] [ assembled ] [ intercognative diactuate ] [ action levels ]
Probability [ total quantitas fit genus U10 - 11 [ ] - MnKn ] MKn MKn | N | : P instance
Probability [ Inertia ]
Numbness extremity [ quantitas fit genus ] [ ditruncate ] [ numbness hemisphere ] [ calcificant ] [ liquid retention in extremity polymer ]
[ electrolyte and affective actuation during forcing ]
[ range unison node ]
cosmology modality metallicity - approach and scattering [ innate ] [ phase ][ t ] at [ t ] : [ F ] total force
Identity inclusive sequitur [ recursion ] [ quantitas fit genus limit ] ⇒ [ quantitas fit genus limit ] N [ a.n ] econometric
Neg attributor [ instance ] [ exclusion ] unison node ⇒ action consumption proximity
NSA : DEM sequitur moment [ parallel ] [ required exclusive ]
DEF : DEM sequitur context [ N -N ] [ DATE ] [ quantitas fit genus ] : date context [ quantitas fit genus ] [ CLOSED ] [ STOPPED ]
REP : [ ID 4 ]
DEF : DEM sequitur context [ N -N ] [ DATE ] [ quantitas fit genus ] : date context [ quantitas fit genus ] [ CLOSED ] [ STOPPED ]
[ T8 ASUMPTION ] KNMn - KNMn : k [ n ]
[ conditional inference ]
[ negation ] [ compartmentalization ] [ moti ] [ localization ] [ excitatory ] [ inhibitory] [ exafferent ]
[ endogenic ] [ exogenic ] [ biotic ]
[ prefrontal ] [ frontal ]
[ selection ] [ scale ] [ industrial infrastructure - economic distribution ] [ public economic distribution ] [ carbon ]
[ frozen concept ]
[ action ] [ value ] [ divergence ] polymer [ zero energy ] [ natural poly-form proxy ]
Extracted from Vice magazine and an economics publication sometime between September and October 2018
[ financeability ]
[ deficit financed by money issue is more inflationary than a deficit financed by bond issue ]
[ money-financed deficit would lead to hyperinflation ] [ continued debt issuance ]
[ fiscal credibility ]
[ modern monetary theory ]
[ Japan ] [ private credit collapse ]
[ risk-free government assets ] [ credit markets ] [ equity markets ]
[ bond market ]
[ fiscal controls ]
[ 22T ]
[ 20.6T ]
[ 18T ]
[ 15.6T U.S. treasury market ]
[ fiscal experiment ]
[ real assets ]
[ unemployment ] [ prices ]
[ fiat currency systems ]
[ white and male ]
[ spiritual death ]
[ FY19 686B ] [ pentagon budget ]
[ federal government ] [ create dollars ]
[ sectoral balance analysis ]
[ government surplus ]
[ aggregate demand ]
[ increase spending ]
[ job guarantee ]