Curated Links to Research Materials

Teleologic for Earthbound LIfe - Curated Links to Research Materials

Global Drought

Assessing the Risk of Persistent Drought Using Climate Model Simulations and Paleoclimate Data

Global projections of drought hazard in a warming climate: a prime for disaster risk management 

An Overview of Drought Monitoring and Prediction Systems at Regional and Global Scales   

Review of Current Drought Monitoring Systems and Identification of Monitoring Requirements  

Effects of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation on Drought Impacts in the United States

Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Global Drought 

Intensification of hydrological drought in California by human water management 

Thermohaline Cycle

Thermohaline Ocean Circulation 

Relative Roles of Climate Sensitivity and Forcing in Defining the Ocean Circulation Response to Climate Change

The Future of the Thermohaline Circulation – A Perspective

Arctic Blackbody Gradient

Nonlinear threshold behavior during the loss of Arctic sea ice

A transitioning Arctic surface energy budget: The impacts of solar zenith angle, surface albedo and cloud radiative forcing

Arctic amplification dominated by temperature feedbacks in contemporary climate models

Global Dimming

Impact of global dimming and brightening on global warming

Methane Pulse Radiative Forcing Aerosols  

Speleothems reveal 500 k yr history of Siberian permafrost

Methane and Black Carbon Impacts on the Arctic: Communicating the Science

Radiative Forcing of Climate Change

Phytoplankton Oxygen Depletion

Mathematical Modelling of Plankton–Oxygen Dynamics Under the Climate Change

Reforestation OLU Fire

Effects of fires on carbon cycling in North American boreal peatlands

Determining Effects of Area Burned and Fire Severity on Carbon Cycling and Emissions in Siberia

Carbon Release from Humus Layer

Belowground biomass dynamics in the Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector: 

Recent improvements and implications for the estimation of NPP and NEP

Long Term Dynamics and Contemporary Carbon Budget of Northern Peatlands 

Neonicotinoids Pollination

Neonicotinoids and insect pollinators 2015

Biomass Cognition Articulation

Forest bathing: A practice with roots in Japan gains a foothold in Canada

Plant Consciousness

Nutrient Collapse  

Sediment, Nutrient and Pesticide Loads 


The Wuhan Coronavirus, Climate Change and Future Epidemics  

Effects of climate change on the spread of zika virus: a public health threat

Climate change and dengue: a critical and systematic review of quantitative modeling approaches

Country Policy

French Climate Plan

The Danish Climate Policy Plan Towards a Low Carbon Society  

Iceland's Climate Change Strategy 

Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change

China's National Climate Change Programme - UN 

UK climate action following the Paris Agreement 

The Sweedish Climate Policy Framework

Cambodia Climate Change Alliance

Climate Change and Governance in Afghanistan


Climate Science 

IPCC 1.5 Report SR 15

A scientific critique of the two-degree climate change target

Weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex by Arctic sea-ice loss

Stratospheric ozone loss over the Eurasian continent induced by the polar vortex shift

Beyond Köhler theory Molecular dynamics simulations as a tool for atmospheric science

Integrated Assessment Modeling

En-ROADS Beta - Public Facing

The Comparative Impact of Integrated Assessment Models on Optimal Mitigation Policies

IIASA ENE-MCA Energy Multi-Criteria Analysis Tool

PRIMA Platform for Regional Integrated Modeling and Analysis

NEMS National Energy Modeling System

IMF GIMF Global Integrated Fiscal Model

NEMS and MARKAL-MACRO Models for Energy-Environmental-Economic Analysis

IMAGE PBL Netherlands


SCM4OPT Simple Climate Model for Optimization 

AIM/CGE Asia-Pacific Integrated Model/Computable General Equilibrium

EDGAR4.2 (EC-JRC/PBL 2012) European Commission, Joint Research Centre

(ICA-RUS) Integrated Climate Assessment – Risks, Uncertainties, and Society


RoSE Roadmaps Towards Sustainable Energy Futures

AMPERE Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation Pathways and Evaluation of the Robustness of Mitigation Cost Estimates

LIMITS Low climate Impact scenarios and the Implications of required Tight emission control Strategies

US-REGEN U.S. Regional Economy, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy

PAGE Policy Analysis of the Greenhouse Effect

FUND Climate Framework for Uncertainty, Negotiation and Distribution

SCC-IAM Technical Support Document Under Executive Order 12866 

GRACE Global Responses to Anthropogenic Change in the Environment

CIRCLE Costs of Inaction and Resource scarcity: Consequences for Long-term Economic growth

JRC PESTA II Projection of Economic impacts of climate change in Sectors of the European Union based on bottom-up Analysis

ISI-MIP The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project

THERESIA Toward Holistic Economy, Resource and Energy Structure for Integrated Assessment

IGSM ( MIT ) Integrated Global System Modeling 

HAPPI Half a degree Additional warming, Prognosis and Projected Impacts

RICE-2010 Regional Integrated model of Climate and Economy 

DICE-2016R2 Dynamic Integrated model of Climate and Economy

Sustainability Renewable Energy

Estimation and Forecasts for the Share of Renewable Energy Consumption in Final Energy Consumption by 2020 in the European Union

Investor Listing Standards Proposal:  Recommendations for Stock Exchange Requirements on Corporate Sustainability Reporting

Energy and Climate Change

Financing the Energy Transition: Are World Bank IFC and ADB Energy Supply Investments Supporting a Low Carbon Future?  

Economics Macroeconomics Econometrics Analysis 

Hedging Climate Risk

Financing the Response to Climate Change

Investing to Mitigate and Adapt to Climate Change: A Framework Model

Global Climate Change: Risk to Bank Loans

The climate impact of quantitative easing

One Belt One Road: The Future for Infrastructure and Sustainable Financing 

Scaling up Green Bond Markets for Sustainable Development

Assessing the costs of adaptation to climate change

After Paris: Fiscal, Macroeconomic, and Financial Implications of Climate Change

Foreword to the Special Issue: “Renewables and Diversification in Heavily Energy Subsidized Economies”

Konzept DeCAF – how to invest in a post-carbon world

Assessing the costs of historical inaction on climate change


Technical note on estimates of infrastructure investment needs

Transition Policy

An ISDS Carve-out to Support Action on Climate Change

French Energy Transition Law Global Investor Briefing

The Geoeconomics of Sovereign Wealth Funds and Renewable Energy Towards a New Energy Paradigm in the Euro-Mediterranean region

Optimal Global Dynamic Carbon Abatement

Potential Liability for Climate-Related Measures Under the Trans-Pacific Partnership 

How to Maximize Chances of Securing Development Finance

Acceptance of the Actions Taken at the 11th Session of Working Group III on the Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation  

 A Techno-Economic Study of an Entirely Renewable Energy-Based Power Supply for North America for 2030 Conditions

An Assessment of ARPA-E: Summary 

Issue on supply chain of renewable energy

Global trends in climate change legislation and litigation

Transitions in Energy Systems IIASA