Karol Team



WWMS Locker Item Distribution June 2020

Dear WWMS Community,

We hope you are all doing well. We have to commend you all on your response to this unprecedented situation. We have witnessed our community support each other, thank each other and work together in a way that truly proves how strong we all are. WWMS administration, staff and custodians have been working diligently to organize all of the items in the lockers to be returned back to our students. Lockers were cleaned out and all personal items were placed into plastic bags with name labels. Please note, many students share lockers. A google form was sent out to all students who share lockers and they were asked to fill out what personal items in the locker were theirs.

Items such as text books and library books were removed and returned to the appropriate staff member or location. In the event your child is in possession of school items such as: textbooks, library books, team uniforms, chromebooks/technology or items that were provided during the school year, it should be returned on the date of your pick up/distribution date.

Pick up/distribution dates and times have been assigned according to your child's grade level and team. In the event you have another student’s item or are missing an item please confirm with the student that he or she shares a locker with to locate that personal item. If the item is still not found you may contact Mr. Mankin at Jmankin@cliftonschools.net and we will do our best to locate the missing item. Lost and found items will be kept until we return to live instruction.

In order to safely distribute locker items back to our families and comply with social distancing protocol please adhere to the following procedures:

If Driving to WWMS (refer to map below for traffic pattern) ● Please do not park in any parking lot. Always maintain social distancing. Do not exit your car. ● Families are to pull into the back entrance of the school There will be directional signage (Refer to the map below for traffic pattern). ● Drive all the way around the back of the school to the gym entrance. ● There you will see an administrator outside with tables, desks and cones.

There will be 2 stations. ● Station 1 - While staying in your car, provide the administrator with the name, homeroom teacher, grade level and student ID number of your student. you may return any library books, text books, instruments, sports jerseys, chromebooks, paper packets or other materials that belong to WWMS by placing the items in the assigned bins.

● Station 2 - A staff member will bring out the locker items, and place them on a desk. We ask that you wait until the staff member is safely away from the desk before grabbing your items. ● Once complete you will drive through the main parking lot and exit.

If Walking to WWMS (refer to map below for pedestrian pattern) ● Always practice social distancing by maintaining 6 feet away from each other. ● Families walking will walk on the sidewalk in front of the school to the gym entrance. ● There you will see an administrator outside with tables, desks and cones. ● Provide the administrator with the name, homeroom teacher grade level and student ID number of your student. ● At this point you may return any library books, text books, instruments, sports jerseys, chromebooks or other materials that belong to WWMS by placing the items in the blue bin. ● A staff member will bring out the locker items, and place them on a desk. We ask that you wait until the staff member is safely away from the desk before grabbing your items. ● Once complete you will exit following directional signs staying on the grass in front of the school.

WWMS Locker Item Distribution June 2020 Pick Up Days Organized By Team

Thursday, June 11, 2020 - 6th Grade Andreasen Team 12:00-1:30 Bigica Team 1:30-3:00

Friday, June 12, 2020 - 6th Grade Giordano Team 12:00-1:30 R.-Benvenuti Team 1:30-3:00

Monday, June 15, 2020 - 7th Grade Conklin team 12:00-1:30 Karol Team 1:30-3:00

Tuesday, June 16, 2020 - 7th Grade Martin Team 12:00-1:30 Wilson Team 1:30-3:00

Wednesday, June 17, 2020 8th Grade Armando/Caramucci Teams 12:00-1:30 Hahn Team 1:30-3:00

Thursday, June 18, 2020 8th Grade Sheridan Team 12:00-1:30 Wacha Team 1:30-3:00

We know we will all be excited to see each other. However, in order to keep the safety of all involved we ask that you do not stop to get out of your vehicle, take pictures or disrupt the flow of traffic at any time. Thank you.

Check out the link below for a google slide presentation acknowledging our 3rd Marking Period Honor Roll Students!

