SafeTN Threat Reporting App
The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security has developed a reporting app that will allow users to anonymously report safety concerns. The Homeland Security office will review, assess, and then forward reports to law enforcement, mental health crisis teams, and/or school administrators based on the information received. The attached FAQ provides additional details on the app and the notification process. The attached handout addresses how the app works, what to report, and where the app can be downloaded.
SafeTN is free. Students, staff, parents, and the community need only to download the free mobile app on a compatible device.

Clay County Schools intends to apply for a 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grant through the Tennessee Department of Education in the Spring of 2024.
The purpose of the 21st CCLC is to create community learning centers that provide students with academic enrichment opportunities and support services to help them meet state and local standards in the core content areas.
This application will serve students in elementary schools in Clay County: Celina K-8 School and/or Hermitage Springs School.
Inquiries regarding the grant application may be directed to Misty Strong, 21st Century District Coordinator, at strongm@clayedu.com or 931-243-5521.
To provide anonymous feedback regarding the district’s current 21st CCLC programming or whether a need for future programming is needed, please complete this brief survey by March 18, 2024.
CLAY COUNTY - We are looking for parents to help!
Do you need a hand up with getting a job or getting a better job? Childcare? Budgeting? Financial resources? Apply today!
Empower TN and the Highlands Economic Partnership strive to improve the quality of life for all citizens by providing opportunities for businesses to grow and prosper, and by providing access for citizens of all ages educational and work experiences that will allow them to better themselves generationally. We do this through Economic Development, Workforce Development, and Workplace Education.
The Clay County Health Council is currently conducting a County Health Assessment. this is a process to develop a three-year plan to assist in making Clay County healthier. Part of the assessment is to get community input through an online survey. The attached flyer has the link to the online survey and also has a QR code to scan if preferred. We ask that you completed the Survey by August 1, 2023. Your input will be used to determine the health-related priorities that the Clay County Health Council will work on for the following three years.
Survey Link
In 1919 all high schools in Clay County came under the control of the Clay County School Board. Public high schools were established at Celina (Clay County High School) with Professor J. J. Hendrickson as principal, Spivey (Hermitage Springs) Mattie Capshaw and Eva Capshaw were teachers the Principal is unknown, Moss High School with Professor O. L. Carnahan as principal, and Willow Grove High School with T. L. Sewell as principal.
In 1914, the year following the passing of the compulsory education law in Tennessee, there were 3035 students enrolled in grades 1-8 plus the high school students.
The Clay County Elementary System had 65 schools located throughout the County in 1920.
By 1977, the number of schools in Clay County had been reduced to four sites, Celina K-8, Celina High School, Hermitage Springs School (Grades K-12), and Maple Grove. The student population was 1556.
Celina High School was closed in 2003. Clay County High School (located on Highway 52 just outside Celina) opened in the fall of 2003. Hermitage Springs High School was consolidated into Clay County High School in 2007.
Clay County Schools' student population is now 1081.
Clay County Schools
The Mission Of Clay County Schools Is
To Provide A Positive Learning Environment
In Which Students Develop To Their Fullest
Potential, Achieve Success, And Are
Prepared To Meet The Challenges Of An
Ever-Changing World.