08 Graduate Oral Presentations

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Session Name

Mathematics & Analytics Env. & Human Health

Mathematics & Analytics Env. & Human Health

Mathematics & Analytics Env. & Human Health

Mathematics & Analytics Env. & Human Health

Mathematics & Analytics Env. & Human Health

Session Name

Science Mix

Science Mix

Science Mix

Science Mix

Session Name

Signal Processing

& Cybersecurity

Presentation Title

Parkinson’s Disease Patient Profiles in Different

Healthcare Set-ups: A Comparative Analysis

Seasonal Taxonomic Analysis of Built-Environment Viral

Bioaerosol Data using Bayesian Evolutionary Modeling

Infection vs fatality of COVID-19 in New York State:

Effects of demographics and poor air quality

Towards Building an Optimal LUR Model for Air Quality

Prediction Using Machine Learning Approach

Biological control via Additional Food

Presentation Title

The relationship between oxidative stress and cardiovascular complications in hemodialysis patients and the effect of vitamin E treatment

Analysis of collective cell behavior of cancerous cells using persistent homology

Theoretical Insights into Host-guest Interactions of Metal-Organic Frameworks

Co-Mo-P-TiO2 Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction

Presentation Title

Do Typing Patterns Change Over Time?

Exploring Gender Bias in Classical and Modern NLP Systems

Authenticating Facebook Users Based on Browsing Behavior

SKI: A Fast and Simple Cryptosystem for the Embedded and Connected World

Continuous Authentication Based on Hand Micro-movement during Smartphone Form Filling in Sitting

Utilizing Keystroke Dynamics as Additional Security Measure to Protect Forgot Password/Username Mechanism

Comparing Gender Bias Across Languages, a Discussion on Building Corpus of Classics

Signal Processing

& Cybersecurity

Signal Processing

& Cybersecurity

Signal Processing

& Cybersecurity

Signal Processing

& Cybersecurity

Signal Processing

& Cybersecurity

Signal Processing

& Cybersecurity