04 Student Awards: Information and General Audience Voting


There are awards for the best oral presentation in each session and for the best posters in each category, as decided by judges. There is also a grand prize for the best poster as selected by the audience. Additionally, there will be awards for best posters in sustainability (see below).

Best Poster in Sustainability

The Institute for a Sustainable Environment will acknowledge student research that can be applied to sustainability principles or practices.

Projects from all disciplines are eligible for this opportunity. The First Place award-winning poster and a few Honorable Mentions will be selected based on the evidence that the research results could lead to advances in aspects of environmental, social or economic sustainability within the system that is studied. Example projects could include anything from higher efficiency renewable energy resources to modifying pro-environmental behavior.

To participate, your abstract and poster must have a section explicitly describing the relationship between the outcomes of you research and eventual application to improve sustainability. Both basic discovery-based research and applied projects are welcome. Questions can be addressed to Susan Powers, ISE (sep@clarkson.edu).

General Audience Voting

For each category, undergraduate oral, undergraduate poster, grad oral, and grad poster, we encourage the general audience to vote for their favorite presentation by going to the below subpages and vote for your favorite presentation. Only one vote per category.