Weekly Update

Theme: Before and Now

Letters: Review

This week, your child will look back at changes that have happened this year in Pre-K. Our closing ceremony is on Thursday! 

CALM Strategies: new strategies will be introduced throughout the year and added to the list below so you can encourage them at home too!
S.T.A.R: Stop. Take a breath. And Relax. "Smell the flower, blow out the candle".

Balloon: Have children raise their arms up, interlace their fingers, and rest them on top of their head. Invite children to inhale several breaths through their nose, like smelling a flower, while moving their hands up with each puff of air as if filling the balloon. When their lungs are full, and their arms are extended in a round balloon shape overhead, have them "release" the air out of the balloon by pursing their lips and blowing the air out. Have them make a "ppppbbbb" sound with their lips while lowering their hands back down to the top of their head.

Bunny: Hold one hand up with two fingers standing tall like a peace sign to represent the bunny. The tall fingers are the ears and the balled hand is the bunny body. Scrunch up your nose and take three short breaths. As you do this, have the bunny's ears go up and down with the breathing. Hold your breath for three seconds and then exhale slowly, moving (hopping) your hand across your body as if the bunny is hopping away. Try to exhale as long as the bunny is hopping. 

Drain: Hold your hands out in front of you with your hands tightly closed. Inhale while squeezing and tightening your fists. Then relax, exhale and relax your fingers by opening them and making a swishing sound. The noise represents water flowing out of the faucet and stress going down the drain.

Pretzel: Cross one ankle over (or in front of) the other. Extend arms out in front. Cross one wrist over the other wrist, face palms together, and clasp hands together. Bring clasp hands in towards chest, twist them down and toward the body and then up next to the chest. Close your eyes as you inhale and exhale. 

Religion: Sing our songs about God

Math: Survey data. Collect data for a two-choice survey

ELA: Introduce vocabulary (kindergarten), practice using a glossary, review name, sound, and formation of letters

STEAM: Our STEAM time will be used for End of the Year song practice

Crafts with Mrs. C: all crafts will be sent home this week, including a Father's Day gift.

Books: Before and Now, Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten and other kindergarten stories.

Dramatic Play: Kitchen


Word of the Week: kindergarten: the next step after Pre-K

Use the word at home: You might say: Where is the kindergarten room? How do you feel about going to kindergarten?

Home Activities for Family:

How Far Can You Jump: Use masking tape or a chalk line to make a line on the floor or sidewalk. Have your child stand behind the line and jump as far forward as her or she can. Mark the landing spot with a small stuffed animal. Measure the length of the jump with a yardstick or piece of string. Encourage your child to try again several times to see if practice will increase the jump distance. Ask: Is your jump longer than the yardstick? Or is it not as long? How do you think that the length you can jump will change as you grow?

Now You Can: Talk with your child about skills he or she has learned. For example, you might say: Before you could not sit in a big chair at the dinner table. Now you can sit in a chair just like daddy. Before you could not ride a scooter. Now you can ride your scooter down the sidewalk. Give your child a chance to tell skills he or she is proud of learning. 

When You Were A Baby: Show your child his or her baby photos. Talk about some of the things your child has learned to do since then. Include special moments, such as saying a first word, taking first steps, or blowing out candles on a birthday cake. Ask what moments your child remembers. 

The Next Step: Talk with your child about Kindergarten. Explain that this is the next grade of school. Point out that this is a place to learn many new things and meet new friends. Ask what questions your child has about kindergarten. Visit a classroom, if possible, and answer any questions your child might have. 

Our special classmate is Fanny Frog. She is a lovable frog puppet that children will interact with daily during their classroom experiences. 

Coming Next Week: : Summer!!

Letters we have learned: Ll, Oo, Tt, Ff, Gg, Mm, Ee, Rr, Ss, Aa, Bb, Pp, Cc, Dd, Nn, Hh, Yy, Xx, Jj, Kk, Ww, Qq, Uu, Zz, Ii, Vv

Sounds we have learned: /d/, /f/, /n/, /j/, /l/, /v/, /b/, /k/, /m/, /s/, /t/, /p/, /z/, /c/, /i/, /r/, /w/, /a/, /g/, /h/, /kw/, /u/, /y/. /e/, /o/, /ks/
Formation: Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz

Suzanne Llull and Mary Cartafalsa


Scholastic Book Order Online Class Code: QLVZT

PK Supply List 

- a large backpack

- 1 sturdy folder (to be used daily to carry notes and work back and forth)

- 1 package baby wipes

- 1 package of disinfectant wipes

- 1 rolls of paper towels

- 1 box of tissues