Cardinal John Foley
Pre-School/Pre-Kindergarten Handbook

Dear Parents,

This handbook was compiled to help answer common questions you may have concerning our Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten policies and procedures. We hope you find this information helpful. Of course we are always available to answer any questions or to address any concerns you may have throughout the year. Feel free to email, send in a note, or call the office.

Thank you so much for sharing your children with us. We look forward to working with them and with you.


The Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten Teachers and Staff

Important Phone Number: Main Office: 610-446-4608


Please call the office and email your child's teacher if your child is not coming to school. Children must be fever, vomit and diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning to school. Children that have a communicable disease must have a doctor’s note indicating that they are cleared to return to school. This is for the safety and well-being of all the other children in the classroom.

Uniforms and Dress

The children should wear appropriate clothes for a day full of activity and learning. We do follow the school uniform policy as far as "Summer" and "Winter" uniforms. No shorts are permitted during "Winter" uniform time. Athletic Sneakers must be worn sandals, dressy shoes, boots or rubber soled maryjanes. (Velcro sneakers are preferred.) The children go outside to play almost every day but if the weather is bad we often play in the Gym.. The children are not permitted on the Gym floor to play if they are not wearing sneakers. Please be sure your child dresses appropriately for the weather. If your child wears snow/rain boots to school, he/she must bring sneakers to change into.


We enjoy recognizing your child’s special day in school! We have special jobs for the birthday student and at lunch or snack time we sing happy birthday. Due to the many food allergies, no food may be sent into school for a birthday celebration.


Backpacks should be full sized and large enough to hold a folder, books, art work, lunchbox and schoolwork that your child needs to bring home. Names should be placed inside the backpack only. This is for your child’s safety. Backpacks should be brought to school every day.

Snacks and Lunch

Children are expected to bring a morning snack every day. Children in our full day program must also pack a lunch. No peanut/nut products are permitted. Glass bottles and soda are also not permitted. Preschool and Pre-K children do not have the option of purchasing lunch at school. Children attending our CARES after school program must bring an additional snack for after school.


We have many materials and toys for the children to use at school so we do not permit the children to bring in toys from home. The only exception to this rule is Show and Tell.

Show and Tell

“Show and Tell” is held in each class. Your child's teacher will provide additional information on the Show and Tell schedule and procedure for her classroom.

Rest Mats

All full day preschool and Pre-Kindergarten children will be given a rest mat.

Parent/Teacher Communication

In an effort to become “green”, the main method of communication will be through our web sites. Any announcements will be posted every week. In the event that we need to send any other important information home, it will be placed in your child's folder. Please check this folder every night. Please place any money or notes in this folder. Put all money in an envelope with your child's name and the reason the money is being sent into school. (i.e.”HSA dues, Scrip Order, etc.). Folders will be checked every morning.

Morning Drop Off

No cars are permitted on school property in the morning. All parents must park at the Church parking lot (across from St. Denis Church on Eagle Road), on St. Denis Lane or on Poplar Street and walk their children to the entrance of the building for their class. At Back-to-School Night, your child’s teacher will review where the morning drop off is for your child’s class. There are signs posted to help you find the correct entrance.

Teachers, Staff and safeties will be at the doors to assist the children with getting to their classrooms. Parents say goodbye to their child at the door to the building.

Dismissal Procedures:

Each program has a different dismissal procedure and your child’s teacher will review the specifics of that procedure at Back-to-School Night. If someone other than a parent picks up your child, please inform us of that and communicate with them the dismissal procedure for your child.

Bathroom Accidents

All children must be fully potty trained to be accepted into our programs. Pull-ups are not permitted. We understand that children of this age occasionally have “accidents” but if these accidents persist, your child will be asked to leave the program until he or she is fully potty trained. If your child has a bowel movement, you will be called to come to school and take care of this if your child is unable to handle this without assistance.

Please send in a complete seasonal change of clothes in a plastic bag in the event your child needs to change due to an accident. Mark your child's name clearly on the bag. If your child uses these emergency clothes, please send in a replacement set the next day.


Biting is a health and safety risk to other children in the classroom. For this reason the following guidelines are in place: First Incident: Parents are called. Second Incident: Parents are called. A conference with the parents and teacher is held. Third Incident: Parents are called and the child is sent home. A conference with the parents, teacher and principal is held prior to the child returning to school. In all cases of biting, the parents of the child who was bitten will also be called.


CARES Program offers extended care, which reflects a faith filled, developmentally appropriate environment. The caring environment is both age and individual appropriate. CARES is open to all students grades Preschool to 8th grades enrolled in Cardinal Foley School. The program offers a balance between adult-directed and child-initiated activities, active and quiet times, indoor and outdoor games. The Elementary school program provided professional care, supervision, recreation and enrichment activities. It serves working families who desire both parochial school education and supplementary day care in a Catholic environment for the children enrolled in Cardinal Foley School. Within a large family environment, the program strives to provide individual attention, security, consistency, and caring treatment for children of working parents. CARES is staffed by an experienced director and a number of devoted and committed teachers and teachers’ aides. These people work together to help each child grow in maturity and self-respect, as well as to maintain an atmosphere where respect and understanding for others are realized.

Names! Names! Names!

Please be sure to mark your child’s name on everything: his/her lunchbox, schoolbag, folders, and jacket.

Parent /Teacher Conferences

Formal Parent/Teacher Conferences are held in January for the Preschool and Pre-K. Information will be sent home indicating the times and date. Any parent who has concerns or questions about his/her child’s progress at any time during the school year is encouraged to contact your child's teacher so that a conference can be set up immediately and any issues addressed promptly.

Early Dismissal/Late Arrivals

In the event of an early dismissal for weather-related or other emergency situations, you will be notified from the Student Information System via email, text, and a phone call. Please have a back-up plan in place if you are not available for pick-up in the event of a school emergency. CARES is not offered in the event of an emergency closing. If there is a delayed opening due to weather, the half day programs will have school.


All parents who wish to volunteer at school for lunch must have their clearances. It is highly recommended that all parents get them. All volunteers are required to:

have a Criminal Record Check and Child Abuse Clearance on file,

attend a safe environment class,

complete the online Mandated Reporter Training.

Criminal Record Check and Child Abuse Clearances must be updated every five years. All clearances for parent/family volunteers in school must be on file at the Cardinal Foley business office by the 15th of the month prior to the date of volunteer service.