
At the College of Administration (FAFS) I am teaching the following;

    1. Business Simulation (HAD41102)

    2. Production and Operations Management I (PAD31102)

  1. Human Resource Managemen (CUE73113)

  2. Principles of Management I (CUE74003)

    1. Knowledge Management (HAD42102)

  3. Production and Operations Management II (PAD32103)

  4. E-Government (PAD32104)

  5. Principles of Management II (CUE73012)

My Philosophy in Teaching:

A good teacher cannot begin or continue to inspire learning without being a learner. A good teacher must constantly learn what is new in the discipline. In fact, a good teacher often helps to create new knowledge. To live this belief, I must continuously examine my teaching methods and find new ones. To remain connected to my students, their lives, and the schools in which they will practice their professions, I must be a student of society and the constantly changing worlds in which students live. I eagerly and willingly learn from my students as they learn with me.

Course Code #1

Title: Business Simulation

Department: Health Administration

Stage: Fourth

Hall no.: 8303

No. of Students: 19

Course Code #2

Title: Production and Operations Management I

Department: Public Administration

Stage: Third

Hall no.: 8302-8301

No. of Students: 70

Course Code #3

Title: Human Resource Management

Department: Public Administration

Stage: Second

Hall no.: 8310

No. of Students: 55

Course Code #4

Title: Principles of Management I

Department: Public Administration

Stage: First

Hall no.: 8301

No. of Students: 60

Course Code #5

Title: Knowledge Management

Department: Health Administration

Stage: Third

Hall no.:8303

No. of Students:19

Course Code #6

Title: Production and Operations Management II

Department: Public Administration

Stage: Third

Hall no.: 8302-8301

No. of Students: 70

Course Code #7

Title: E-Government

Department: Public Administration

Stage: Third

Hall no.: 8302-8301

No. of Students: 70

Course Code #8

Title: Principles of Management II

Department: Public Administration

Stage: First

Hall no.: 8301

No. of Students: 60

Upload your Course book for each course title as a PDF file below with name coursecode.pdf.