
Name: Mohammed Abdulkarem Abdulwahab

Post: Lecturer

Qualification: Master

Academic Title: Assistant Lecturer

Specialty: Marketing Management


Mobile number: (+964) - 07701818512

Short Biography

Mohammed Abdulkarem from Iraq was born in 1989. He received a B. Sc. Degree in Business Management from the University of Mosul\Iraq, and an M.Sc. degree in Business Administration from the Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia. In 2014 he joined Cihan University-Erbil as a lecturer in the Public Administration Department and he is known for his innovative concepts related to Marketing Management.

He has lectured widely on marketing, principles of marketing, health marketing, E-marketing, production and operations management, job satisfaction, job stress, and topics of general interest marketing management. Also, as a researcher, he has published in Scopus in marketing, organizational behavior, human resource management, and E-subjects.

He participated in many virtual international conferences as a keynote speaker and as an organizer. Also, he participated in many international webinars as a presenter and as a resource person.

Teaching is Mohammed’s passion. He believes that teaching is not just a career, it’s a calling. As a teacher, watching his students learn and improve is his greatest joy throughout the years.

Research Interests

    1. Marketing Management

    2. Social Media Influencer

    3. E-marketing

    4. Digital Marketing

    5. Human Resource Management

    6. Organizational Behavior