CAIS 6th Grade Website


6th Grade Team

Sr. Antonorsi, Sr. Jimenez, Sra. Cynthia and Mr. Phillips (Coach)

Welcome to 6th Grade! Bienvenidos a 6to Grado!

The 6th Grade Team would like to welcome all students and their families to middle school.

Welcome back to the building!

Púlse la foto para ver un video sobre como CAIS nos mantendrá sanos durante el coronavirus.

Click on the picture to watch a video about how CAIS will be keeping students safe during coronavirus.

2020 - 21 Student 6th grade schedule

Apoyo para familias y estudiantes del 6º / Help for families and students in 6th grade

Horas de oficina / Office hours

Durante pláticas, nos hemos dado cuenta que algunos de nuestros alumnos necesitan más apoyo para tener acceso a la instrucción virtual que les estamos ofreciendo. El miércoles de 11-1 pm nos reuniremos para contestar sus preguntas y asistirles en este enlace:

During talks, we have found that some of our students need more support to access the virtual instruction that we are offering. On Wednesday from 11-1 pm we will meet to answer your questions and assist you at this link:

Art, Music and PE...from a distance!

Virtual Gym

Click on the buttons to have class with some of your favorite teachers!

Orientación / Orientation

qsh-pfxz-jjr (2020-08-06 at 07_30 GMT-7).mp4
6th Grade Orientation

Orientación / Orientation

Nuestra orientación al 6º será el jueves, 7/6 de 8:30 - 9:30 am

Orientation for 6th grade will be Thursday, 7/6 from 8:30 - 9:30 am

Meet Link:

Meet the Teachers!

Mr. Antonorsi

  1. Originally from Venezuela

  2. Love coffee, black, no sugar.

  3. Moved to the U.S.A. in 2016

  4. Infantry Officer in the Army National Guard of New Mexico

  5. Practices Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

  6. Has a cat named Biscochito

  7. Loves the Outdoors

  8. Loves Brownies, Doughnuts and Cinnamon Rolls

  9. History Buff

  10. Enjoys and tries to learn new things everyday

Meet the Teachers!

Sr. Jimenez

  1. I'm from Spain.

  2. I'm 23 years old.

  3. I came to the U.S. when I was 15 (I've been in the U.S. for 8 years).

  4. I love Rock music.

  5. I have been playing guitar since I was 14 years old, and I have been in several bands.

  6. I love history (I'm planning on earning a Master's degree in history in the following years).

  7. The people who inspired me to be a teacher are my father and my history teacher back in Spain.

  8. I love to read.

  9. I'm a J.R.R. Tolkien fan.

  10. I became a teacher when I was 21 years old

Building Background Knowledge - Field Trip to Sra. Dair's Orchard