Class Parent 

Reference Guide

CET Class Parent Reference Guide

The roles and responsibilities of the Class Parent are different for every teacher.  In order to have a better understanding of what may be required of you if you decide to take on this role, the CET PTA has created this reference guide.  The time requirements of the Class Parent are also dependent on the teacher and grade (younger grades generally require more time) and should be discussed with the teacher.

Description of possible duties:

●      Act as a liaison between the PTA and your child’s class

●      Create the class contact list

●      Coordinate classroom party supplies and chaperones with teacher and parents

●      Coordinate classroom volunteers with teacher and parents

●      Distribute information for the teacher

●      Welcome new families to the classroom and provide guidance as needed

●      Coordinate classroom volunteers for PTA events and programs

●      Facilitate class participation in the Spring Basket Fundraiser

●      Optional:  Collect/Coordinate class gifts for the teacher and/or class assistant

Class Parent Selection:

Interested parents should return the Request for Class Parents form (to be distributed by the teacher) by the due date listed on the form.  The teacher will then choose one or more Class Parent(s) for the year.  The selection process is the responsibility of each individual teacher.  On the request form there is space provided to inform the teacher if you have previously been a Class Parent.  Please keep in mind that it is a kind and courteous gesture to allow another parent to take on the role as Class Parent if they have not had the opportunity to do so before.  However, it is still the sole responsibility of the classroom teacher to choose the Class Parent.  Parents interested in the role of Class Parent should not contact the teachers prior to receiving the Request for Class Parents form.  If there are questions about the role and responsibilities of the Class Parent, you should speak to the teacher or the PTA Class Parent Liaison.  

PTA Class Parent Liaison:

The PTA Class Parent Liaison position is a way to keep the lines of communication open between the CET PTA, the teachers, the parents and the classroom.  Class Parents are encouraged to build a relationship with the Class Parent Liaison and to utilize that person as a resource to address any questions throughout the year.  The Class Parent Liaison for the 2022-2023 school year is Lindsay Fletcher

Class Contact List:

The teacher will collect parental permission for the distribution of student names and contact information.  The Class Parent will then create the class contact list for distribution.  Please remind parents that the class contact lists are to be utilized for school-related issues and not to be utilized for business and solicitation purposes.

Classroom Party Supplies and Volunteers:

The teacher will inform the Class Parent about upcoming parties and events.  The Class Parent will then coordinate necessary supplies and the requested number of parent volunteers needed to help with the event.  The Class Parent will need to take into consideration a fair practice for parent volunteers and parent involvement that will allow everyone who is interested in participating throughout the year to do so.  For example:  Round Robin type coordination for sending in party supplies/food.

Field Trip Chaperones:  

The teacher will inform the Class Parent about upcoming field trips and whether or not their coordination efforts of chaperones will be needed.  If coordination is needed, again the Class Parent will need to take into consideration a fair practice for parent chaperones that will allow everyone who is interested in participating throughout the year to do so.  It is not uncommon for each teacher to have their own procedures and requirements in place for chaperones, so please discuss the requirements first with the teacher. 

Distribute Information:

The teacher or the PTA Class Parent Liaison may occasionally request the Class Parent to distribute information to the parents.  The Class Parent will utilize the class list and contact information appropriately.  The use of email is usually the preferred method of distributing information.  For those parents without access to email, the Class Parent should send home a note via the student’s folder or by mail.  Please be aware that information needs to be distributed in a timely manner which usually means same day contact with the parents.  

New Family Welcome:

The Class Parent should contact any new families to their class and introduce them to the district and CET.  They should also forward contact information, with the family’s approval, to the CET PTA Co-Presidents and Class Parent Liaison.  A representative from the PTA will then contact them and provide a personal welcome to CET and offer to be a resource for questions and concerns.  If the family is not interested in having their information forwarded, they should be encouraged to contact the CET PTA with any questions.

Events and Programs:

The class parent will also be asked to help recruit volunteers for PTA events and programs.  You can send out an invitation to sign up using SignUpGenius (or any other preferred mode of communication).  We will usually need one to two volunteers per classroom, and would like to urge all families to donate 1-2 hours of their time per year.  There are many opportunities to help that work with all schedules.  Events take place during weekdays, evenings and weekends.  The PTA can only be effective with significant volunteer help.  All family members (parents, caretakers, grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc.) are welcome to volunteer. 

Class Gift:

The Class Parent typically coordinates any class gifts for the teacher.  It should be stated in any emails or notes to parents that a gift contribution can be for any amount and is optional.  If a family does not have an email account, a note should be sent home with the child (or mailed to the home).  Please do not make parents uncomfortable with a phone call or by asking them to confirm if they are contributing.  The card that is given with any class gift should not include individual names.  This is due to concerns about any families that are not able to contribute.  The card should simply read “from your class".  Also, the list of who has or has not contributed should be kept strictly confidential.  Again, this is in consideration of the parents who are not able to, or do not wish to contribute.  Should a class decide to make a donation to a not-for-profit organization in a teacher’s name, please remember that our CET PTA is a not-for-profit and that our fundraising efforts directly impact our teachers, their classrooms and our children. 

Note:  It is recommended that a courtesy email be sent to all parents letting them know what gift was given to the teacher from the class.

Additional Responsibilities:

In addition to these classroom duties, the PTA relies on the Class Parents to spread the word about the various fun events that take place for your children at CET such as Fall Festival, Winter Craft Night, Spring Basket Fundraiser, Dance Party, etc.  The PTA might also enlist your help in their PTA membership drive.  The Class Parent Liaison will be in touch with you regarding these events as they come up by providing details which you can email to the class list.

For questions about the role of class parents please email