About Us
The PTA's mission is to help enhance our children's experience at CET and build a strong community so everyone's participation, to the extent they can offer it, benefits all of our children. We look forward to working with and hearing from you.
The CET PTA is a not-for-profit, volunteer organization created to enhance and enrich our children's experience at CET. The CET PTA strives to make every child’s potential a reality. We also strive to promote parent/teacher relationships and work to develop a sense of community for our children through various activities. We host regular meetings as well as "Principal's Coffee" events that deal with specific current educational and social issues affecting our children. We also organize family and school events and raise money to enhance students’ learning experiences. We use PTA funds to pay for new items and activities that our teachers require to provide our kids with a stimulating and fun learning environment. These programs often cannot be funded without assistance from the PTA.
The CET PTA raises funds to support programs and services through various fundraiser events, direct donations and membership dues.