
Fall 2023

Hi Students and Families,

Welcome Back!  We are looking forward to seeing you back at school and in the library.  Students will be able to check out library books their first library lesson and then each rotation on their scheduled day.  Books are due the day of check out so they can check out new books.  We will start sending out electronic overdue notices at the end of September.  Our software syncs with Infinite Campus so please make sure your email address is current online.

Please reach out if you have any questions.  Thanks!

 ~Ms. Kurth and Mrs. Hutchison

Library Skills Curriculum

Students in kindergarten-5th grade visit the library for library skills, book checkout, and various projects.  All students have library skills/story time and checkout as part of the ABCDE rotation.  

Library skills lessons focus on using and navigating the library, information literacy, research, technology skills, future ready skills, digital citizenship, and collaborative projects with classrooms.  Throughout the year, your child may be using desktop computers, iPads, and/or Chromebooks during library time.

Volunteer Opportunities

We appreciate our library parent helpers!  Many of our parents elect to assist with our Scholastic Book Fair or help with shelving and minor tasks throughout the week.  All volunteers must have completed the required paperwork in the office. If you are interested in helping in the LMC or have any further questions, please contact Ms. Kurth.  

Internet Safety/Digital Citizenship

Our district uses Netsmartz Kids and Be Internet Awesome as our Internet Safety curriculum.  Internet safety is taught in kindergarten - fifth grade as part of the library skills curriculum.  Netsmartz offers activities for school and home with a section created for parents. Be Internet Awesome includes a game component - Interland - that is available on the website under the Student tab.  Please feel free to visit the website for further information and resources.