Southview TV Ads

Southview has a TV located in the entryway outside the cafeteria.  This is used for announcements of upcoming events, candid photos from school events, and general information for the school.  The screen changes continually throughout the day showing each event many times.


We are offering the opportunity to place an “ad” for your child that will run throughout the week.  The funds raised will be donated to the school!  Each ad costs $5.00 and you may include a picture of your child, their name and a short message from you!  The kids really look forward to seeing who is on TV so why not surprise your child with a “Way to Go” or “We are proud of you” after a school or sport event or “Happy Birthday.  We hope you have a great day” for their birthday week?  

This year, our school theme is “You Matter” and we are also offering ads for you to tell your child why they matter to you!  


Return the form with $5.00 to the office by Wednesday of the week prior to when you would like the ad to run.  Checks can be made out to Southview Elementary; please note TV Ad in the memo.  The request will not be completed until the $5.00 is received at school.


If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Kurth, Library Media Specialist at or (715) 726-2411 ext. 5500.  Thank you!