Greetings!  Welcome to AP Physics.  I’ve met many of you before, and I look forward to getting to know everybody else.


First, the predictable lecture:  You might be used to thinking of physics as matching the correct equation with the correct problem.  It would be a good idea to abandon this mindset IMMEDIATELY and start working to ANALYZE situations for deep understanding.  If you can’t explain some situation in terms of physical laws – as opposed to just finding an equation off of the sheet – then you want to look deeper.  (This, by the way, is one of the reasons we need calculus.)


Textbook:  We will be using the of Fundamentals of Physics by Haliday, Resnick and Walker.  The bookroom has a copy that you can check out at the beginning of the year, or you may buy your own copy if you wish.


Summer Assignment:  And yes, you will have a summer assignment.  Although I don’t usually advise procrastination, it would serve you better to do this assignment in August right before we begin school so it is fresh in your mind.

Go to  This will take you to the Quest online HW site.  Most of you will already have a UT EID, if you don’t please use the directions linked at the bottom of the page.  Log in and choose to “enroll in a course”

Our course unique # is  "PhysicsC".  Be careful to check that you are choosing the Eaglecrest High School course!  Request enrollment in the course.

You can also use this link to enroll:

Once you have enrolled in the course send me an email so I know to accept your request.

Your summer assignment will be the first assignment listed in Quest – I’ll send more information later in the summer!

I look forward to actually seeing everybody in August.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me (  Have a great summer!


- Mrs. Kesler