AP Physics 1

Welcome!  I look forward to working with you this year.

From the beginning, let me emphasize your role in your learning.  It is likely that you will have to work harder than you are accustomed for your understanding in this class.  The most successful students will not wait to have things explained to them, but will strive to stretch the things they know to analyze new situations.  Do not confuse "I do not get it" with "I cannot do this."  

That said, as you work through the summer assignment, please do not let confusion worry you too much – this is meant as a preview.  We will learn about each of these topics in class in more detail.  

PLEASE use the solutions provided and DO NOT feel guilty about looking at them. They're there to help you learn, and it's even fine if you don't fully understand every part of them. However, before and after looking at the solutions, you will benefit from putting effort into figuring things out. You can achieve great growth, even when you can't yet get to the right answer. And it's always a good idea to come to class with specific questions.  

Also, although I normally don't advise procrastinating, it wouldn't hurt to wait until late July to start on this so it's fresh in your mind when we start classes.

OK, so here's the assignment:


Use the PhysicsClassroom.com website to learn about some motion variables


Learn about how we are expected to organize our problems and show our work