Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change my electives if I decide later that I don't like them?
No. As per our Schedule Correction Policy, students may not change electives. Given the importance of proper course selection, we encourage our students to take their course registration process seriously.  

Please see our Schedule Correction Policy.

What is a level change? When will I find out the results of my request for a level change?
A level change is a request to move up or down a level of class from where a student was originally recommended. For example, a student could be placed in English 9, but could request to move up to Pre-AP English 9.  

To request a level change, please submit the level change form during the second counseling visit. Students may check PowerSchool (under Course Registration) in April for their updated core placements.

What if I currently attend a middle school outside of the CTHS feeder area?
The Counseling office will hold new student welcome dates in April and in August. Once the parent/guardian has confirmed enrollment at the district, the parent may call the CT Counseling office after April 1st to register for an appointment with their student's counselor.

Click here for more information on CCSD Admissions.

Is homework a necessity in high school?
Absolutely! Homework is an equal grading component in each class.

How many years of a world language do I need for graduation?
The Cherry Creek School District does not currently require World Language for high school graduation, however, if your student is college bound, most colleges require at least two to three years of the same language.

When will I receive my schedule?
You will receive your schedule after you check-in at CTHS in early August.

How do I figure out when I eat lunch?
CTHS has two different lunch periods (1st or 2nd). Your lunch period is determined by what subject you have for third period of that day. For example, if I have Biology for period 3A and English for 3B. I will then have 1st lunch on 'A' days and 2nd lunch on 'B' days.

If students do not want to take lab classes that they have been registered for, what is the process for dropping? Do they use the level change form?
Yes, if a student has been placed in a reading or writing lab class, they can indicate their desire to drop it using the level change request form; the English department coordinator will be in touch with you to discuss it further. As with all level change requests, it is not guaranteed that their request will be approved. The student will return this form to their advisory teacher one week after receiving their registration packet.

If a student is registered for a lab class, can he/she take a world language?
Historically, students in lab classes have not experienced success in world language classes during their freshman year. Therefore, they are strongly discouraged from taking a world language freshman year. We encourage them to take a world language class sophomore or junior year.

Will my 504/IEP transfer from middle school to high school?
Yes. Your student's plan will be transferred from the middle school to the high school.  For students on an IEP, case managers will be assigned and transition meetings will be held. High school and middle school counselors meet in the spring to share needed information about incoming 9th grade students and are notified which students are on a 504. Teachers are notified of your student's IEP/504 accommodations at the beginning of the school year. You can expect an annual IEP/504 meeting during your student's freshman year.

When is the First Day of School?
Please see our school calendar. The first day of school for all students is Monday, August 12th. 

What classroom supplies do I need?
Generally, you should have pens, pencils, assignment notebook, a scientific calculator, and at least a notebook and folder for each class. You will be notified of any specific supply needs during the first week of classes.

What are Final Exams?
Final exams are given at the end of each semester. These exams are worth up to 20% of your final semester grade. Please know that attendance for these exams are required. We do not allow for early exams. If you are absent during this time period you will need to make up these exams at the start of the next semester.  

Who should I contact if I have any additional questions?
Please access the course guidebook and this website. If you have additional questions, please contact your current middle school counselor.