7th Grade Music Exploratory

Welcome to Music Appreciation Class. The goal of this class is to further your knowledge of music and to give you the tools and skills to become a lifelong consumer and participant of music. Through this coarse, you will also learn the role music plays in cultures around the world.

Visit the following sites and create music. Then provide an oral review of the site.





The 7th Grade Music Class created this movie, writing the script and music, directing and acting all the roles.

Tuesday, April 7th

Name that Era, finish minor compositions

Wed. April 8th

Greatest Hits Assignment

  • Students must compile a list of musical compositions with a common link for a compilation recording. The list must have at least one piece from the following areas: Classical music, Folk music, Country, Rock and one piece from a non-Western culture (such as Chinese, Iranian, African). There must be at least 10 song titles listed with composers or performers listed. The project should be submitted in the form of an album cover. The album cover may be hand drawn or computer generated.
  • An example is given below in the attachments.
    • May 6, 2015
    • Music Careers Assignment There is an unlimited amount of professions in the music industry. Choose one profession from the list provided on this link and answer the following questions in a PowerPoint, or Keynote presentation. Answer the following questions. 1. What is the name of the Job? (1pt) 2. What part of the music industry is it in? (1 pt) 3. Give a brief history of the job, answer the question "why does this job exist?" ( 5 pts) 4. What is a description of the job? (5 pts)
    • 5. What type of education / training is required for this job? (2 pts) 6. Where would a person who does this job work? (building, studio, concert hall) (1 pt) 7. In what city in the country are these jobs available? If not available in the US, where? (2pts) 8. How much does this job pay? (2pts) 9. How does this job help the over all music industry? (3 pts) 9. Provide examples of who does this job? (3 pts) 10. Describe a typical day for someone doing this job. (5 pts) Once you have answered these questions please take that information and place it into a presentation. You may add pictures of the job or people doing the job. Be sure to include "A day in the life or a ______" as part of the presentation.
    • The following link has a list of musical careers.
    • http://musiced.nafme.org/careers/career-center/glossary/


Students will research a musical culture and give a presentation including the following:

Common instruments (include audio or video examples)

Traditional Music

Current popular music

list songs and artists from both of the above.

Cultural preferences (nasal, buzzing etc...)

Provide a song of the day from your culture.

Due Wednesday, April 1


Today students will learn instrument classifications and discuss how instruments are made and work. Students will choose an instrument from https://www.imit.org.uk/pages/a-to-z-of-musical-instrument.html and match it to the correct classification and determine how it works. Using a powerpoint or google presentation, document how the instrument creates sound, changes pitch, is tuned and what materials it is constructed with. Please include photos and/or diagrams if possible. Submit completed assignment through email. Due Tuesday

, 3/17.


Review instrument research. Watch video on musical inventions and check out web site: http://www.musicinventions.org Begin brainstorming instrument inventions

3/ 23

Continue work on instrument invention project.

Instruments must:

create at least three pitches (chordaphone or aerophone) or two tones (idiophone or membranaphone)

Must be named and correctly classified

Cannot be an already existing instrument.

This project is due on Friday, March 27


    • Music Careers Assignment (Due 10/6) There is an unlimited amount of professions in the music industry. Choose one profession from the list provided on this link and answer the following questions in a PowerPoint, or Keynote presentation. Answer the following questions. 1. What is the name of the Job? (1pt) 2. What part of the music industry is it in? (1 pt) 3. Give a brief history of the job, answer the question "why does this job exist?" ( 5 pts) 4. What is a description of the job? (5 pts)
    • 5. What type of education / training is required for this job? (2 pts) 6. Where would a person who does this job work? (building, studio, concert hall) (1 pt) 7. In what city in the country are these jobs available? If not available in the US, where? (2pts) 8. How much does this job pay? (2pts) 9. How does this job help the over all music industry? (3 pts) 9. Provide examples of who does this job? (3 pts) 10. Describe a typical day for someone doing this job. (5 pts) Once you have answered these questions please take that information and place it into a presentation. You may add pictures of the job or people doing the job. Be sure to include "A day in the life or a ______" as part of the presentation.
    • The following link has a list of musical careers.
    • http://musiced.nafme.org/careers/career-center/glossary/


Read the Following Article;



Greatest Hits Assignment

  • Students must compile a list of musical compositions with a common link for a compilation recording. The list must have at least one piece from the following areas: Classical music, Folk music, Country, Rock and one piece from a non-Western culture (such as Chinese, Iranian, African). There must be at least 10 song titles listed with composers or performers listed. The project should be submitted in the form of an album cover. The album cover may be hand drawn or computer generated.
  • An example is given below in the attachments.


Finish Listening maps. Follow rubric below for completion of the project. Assignment is due no later than the beginning of class on Tuesday.

Virtual Keyboard



Due January 9.

  • Film Music
  • Central City Studios is looking for a film to produce. Students will put together a movie trailer with original music using contrasting dynamics, tempos, and tones to effectively present the film. Film trailer should be approximately 2 minutes long and include title, credits and music. A rubric for grading will be posted soon.
  • the following link is a great place to get started.
  • http://cw.routledge.com/textbooks/9780415448239/film-trailer.asp


Learn how to construct the major scale.

Learn how to construct the three different types of minor scales.

Learn the special names for each note of a scale

Learn about key signatures and the special ordering of accidentals.

Learn a method for mathematically calculating key signatures.

  • 9/11/13
  • When finished with the lesson, please complete the "Interval Identification" Exercise. Let the teacher know what score you achieved.

When finished with the Interval Identification exercise, I would like you to go to musictechteacher.com and work on any of the musical games.

Song of the day requirements:

Name of Song,

Name of Performer

Date released

Genre / style

What you like about it.

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/a/central-city.k12.ia.us/spreadsheet/embeddedform?formkey=dDhUTllpRXdPSWg3ZzdMT2dBMWJDNHc6MQ" width="760" height="4052" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>