5th Grade Music
Sound Trap: This online program is similar to Garage Band, but has a few different options, including collaboration. If you would like to give it a try, visit the site below and enter the following code: GDYMJ8Q
January 12
Music History Unit:
Good morning 5th Grade. Today I would like you to learn about the musical instruments used during the Middle Ages. Many of these instruments are not used anymore. Some of them were ancestors of instruments we use today. Consider the materials and technologies that would have been available to people during this time period.
Please visit the following link to learn about musical instruments from the Middle Ages. Complete the survey below as you read and listen to the various instruments.
Good Morning 5th Graders. Today, you begin learning about the Classical Period in Music. You will focus on Beethoven in this class period. You must read about Beethoven on the following link and complete the Olympic Event that the teacher assigns you. Medals will be awarded based on creativity, completion of the task and knowledge of information. Good Luck!
for more information on Beethoven, visit the next link
then complete the Beethoven word find.
Classroom Rules and Expectations:
Make the most of each music class:
-Use time effectively
-Always do your best and put 100% effort into music class
Use instruments and equipment safely and properly.
Sing and participate in all classroom activities to the best of your ability.
Illustrate good character and make good choices.
-Show respect for yourself, others, and property
-Follow directions
Come into and leave the music room quietly and in line.