CICO (Check In/Check OutT)

Tier 2 PBIS

CICO (Check-In/Check-Out)

Parkview Elementary School is using an evidence and research based behavior intervention called Check-In/Check-Out. Universal screening data indicates which children could benefit from this behavior intervention.

To participate, the children in this intervention, report to their CICO facilitator first thing every morning after arriving at school. During this brief meeting the CICO facilitator will review our school-wide behavior expectations, provide a reminder about daily and weekly goals, and be sure the child is ready to begin the school day. This positive contact sets the child up for success and allows an opportunity for extra adult attention and instruction. Next, throughout the school day the child’s teachers will give specific feedback about performance following the Parkview Pride Way (Being Safe, Being Respectful, and Being Responsible). Teacher feedback will be documented using a daily progress report (DPR) or PAWS Passport. At the end of the school day students in the CICO program return to the facilitator they met with during the morning check-in. For this afternoon check-out period, facilitators help students count and record the number of points earned for appropriate behavior that day. In addition, the facilitator provides positive comments, encouragement for on-going success, and additional instruction if students struggled with a particular class period of the day. Finally, the child will be able to earn incentives for meeting behavioral goals.

To support each child’s success parents are asked to make sure their child arrives on time each day for the morning check-in and also that they review and sign the daily progress report. A copy of the progress report will be sent home from school each day.

Most children who participate in the program show rapid gains, enjoy working with the facilitator, and benefit from additional attention provided by their classroom teacher. While the child is in the program our school’s PBIS Tier 2 Team will monitor data closely. After the child meets his/her program goals we will celebrate with a graduation ceremony.