
What is PBIS?

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is a system-wide approach to teaching social, emotional, and behavioral skills to all students. A common set of expectations is defined and applied within each setting within the school. Students are re-taught when expectations are not met, and acknowledged for displaying behaviors that meet expectations.

Parkview's Vision Statement Links to PBIS

The vision at Parkview Elementary is to provide students with the skills necessary to become positive-minded, resourceful, and

respectful individuals. Teachers and staff at Parkview realize that, in order to achieve this vision, students need more than academic skill instruction. All students must also be taught the social and emotional skills that will help them become positive members of their communities.

What are Cedarburg Pride Tickets?

Students are recognized for showing Parkview Pride by being Respectful, Responsible, and Safe. They are rewarded tickets when this type of behavior is observed. These tickets are put in a weekly drawing. Students names are pulled for each grade level and announced on the morning announcements. Those students then get to choose a reward from a menu of options.

PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports) School of Merit Award

Parkview was recognized by the State Department of Public Instruction as a Bronze Level school.