Latin Club

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Why you should join Latin Club

Latin Club is open to anyone who is interested in Latin, languages, or ancient history and culture. The club is student-run and if you have an idea for an activity, please let the officers know and we will try to make it happen!  Our activities are a mix of Latin extracurricular events, school spirit events/club competitions, service activities, and events that are just in the fun category!  Last year, we had 48 members and joining is a great way to meet new people and develop an interest you have.  

Why you should be an officer

The cliché is that colleges love it when students are members of many clubs.  That is not so; it is much better to show a commitment to a few things vs. “just being a member” of many organizations.  Being an officer in a club gives you great experience generating, developing, and implementing ideas as well as motivating other people.  You will get a lot more out of class and the club if you are involved in planning and running activities.

 Latin Club Officers

Consul (President)   runs meetings, plans events

Proconsul (Vice President)   events coordinator

Quaestor (Treasurer)   keeps lists of members, dues, etc./organizes fundraisers/activities

Scriptor (Secretary)   publicize meetings-make posters, etc.

Historicus (Historian)  take pictures/make a scrapbook 

 *If you are interested in being an officer/committee chair in Latin club, please write the following on the index card:  Your name; office(s) you’re interested in; brief statement of what you’d like the club to do/ideas you have/why you want to be involved in Latin club.  We will elect officers at the first meeting, which is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, September 17 after school.  You must be a member of Latin Club in order to run for office.

 Dues for Latin Club:

Dues for the year will be $5.  Dues may be paid in cash, check to “Thomas Dale HS” or through the online payment system.