Theses (PhD, Master, etc)

PhD thesis

-Analytic aspects of locally compact groups acting on Euclidean buildings, under the supervision of Prof. Pierre-Emmanuel CAPRACE. PhD_thesis.pdf

Master theses:

-Divergence and asymptotic cut-points, under the supervision of Prof. Emmanuel BREUILLARD. Div_thesis.pdf

-The Schrodinger–Lichnerowicz Formula, under the supervision of Prof. Andrei MOROIANU. Spin_thesis.pdf

EA Topologie Différentielle, under the supervision of Prof. Andrei MOROIANU:

-Connexions, Parallélisme, Holonomie Holo_thesis.pdf

-L'isomorphisme de Thom Thom_thesis.pdf

Undergraduate thesis

-The Hodge Decomposition Theorem, under the supervision of Prof. Sergiu MOROIANU. Hodge_thesis.pdf