Curriculum Vitae


10/2021 - present Assistant Professor in Mathematics, AIAS, Aarhus University, Denmark.

09/2021 Bitdefender Fellowship at IMAR, Bucharest, Romania.

01/2021 - 07/2021 Invited Researcher at IHES, Paris, France.

10/2019 - 12/2020 Mathematician at Leica Geosystems, Switzerland.

02/2016 - 08/2019 Post-doctoral position, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

10/2015 - 02/2016 Post-doctoral position, University of Münster, Germany.

Under the supervision of Prof. Linus Kramer.

09/2014-10/2015 Post-doctoral position, Université de Genève, Switzerland.

Under the supervision of Prof. Anders Karlsson and Prof. Tatiana Nagnibeda.



Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium

PhD in Mathematics, with PhD thesis entitled:

Analytic aspects of locally compact groups acting on Euclidean buildings, under the supervision of Prof. Pierre-Emmanuel CAPRACE.


Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France

Completed the Master’s program ‘Analyse, Arithmétique, Géométrie’

With two dissertations (‘stages de recherche’) entitled:

-Divergence and asymptotic cut-points, Université Paris-Sud (Orsay) (June 2010), under the supervision of Prof. Emmanuel BREUILLARD;

-The Schrodinger–Lichnerowicz Formula, Ecole Polytechnique (June 2009), under the supervision of Prof. Andrei MOROIANU.


Completed the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Department of Mathematics, University of Bucharest, Romania

With undergraduate thesis entitled:

The Hodge Decomposition Theorem, Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (IMAR) (June 2008), under the supervision of Prof. Sergiu MOROIANU.


Completed the undergraduate level of ‘Scoala Normala Superioara Bucuresti’ (SNSB), Romania.


Completed the International Computer High School of Bucharest (ICHB), Romania

Studied Natural Sciences, focusing on Mathematics.


01/2022 - 03/2022: Oberwolfach Research Fellowship, MFO, Germany.

10/2021 - 09/2023: AIAS-COFUND Fellowship for Aarhus University, Denmark.

2016-2018: Humboldt Research Fellowship, University of Münster, Germany.


Organizing the international Conference ‘Building(s) in Aarhus’, Aarhus, Denmark, September 1-2, 2022:

Co-organizing National Mini-Conference ‘Celebration of International Women in Maths Day’, Aarhus, Denmark,

April 27-28, 2022. Visit our website:

Co-organizing YGGT VII in Les Diablerets, Switzerland, in March 2018.

Co-organized Geometry Days in Fribourg, Switzerland, September 2016.


22. Chabauty limits of groups of involutions in SL(2,F) for local fields, with Arielle Leitner,

21. Polyhedral Compactifications II, with Linus Kramer and Petra Schwer, preprint

20. The universal group of Burger--Mozes and the Howe--Moore property,

19. Strong transitivity, the Moufang condition and the Howe--Moore property,, accepted by Transformation Groups

18. Polyhedral Compactifications I, with Linus Kramer and Petra Schwer, submitted,

17. (Non)-escape of mass and equidistribution for horospherical actions on trees, with Vladimir Finkelshtein and Cagri Sert, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2021,

16. Consistency and asymptotic normality of M-estimates of scatter on Grassmann manifolds, with Christian Mazza,, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Volume 190, July 2022

15. Geometrical properties of M-estimates of scatter on Grassmann manifolds, with Christian Mazza,, submitted.

14. Chabauty Limits of Cartan Subgroups of SL(n, Q_p), with Arielle Leitner and Alain Valette, Journal of Algebra, April 2022,

13. Mean field repulsive Kuramoto models: Phase locking and spatial signs, with Linard Hoessly, Christian Mazza, Xavier Richard,, submitted.

12. Chabauty Limits of Parahoric Subgroups of SL(n, Q_p), with Arielle Leitner, Expositiones Mathematicae, Volume 39, Issue 3, September 2021, 500-513,

11. Measure rigidity for horospherical subgroups of groups acting on regular trees, with Vladimir Finkelshtein and Cagri Sert, International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2021, Issue 21, November 2021,

10. An appendix to Locally compact groups with every isometric action bounded or proper, by Romain Tessera and Alain Valette, Journal of Topology and Analysis, Volume 12, Issue 02, pages 267–292, 2020,

9. The cone topology on masures, with Bernhard Mühlherr and Guy Rousseau, with an appendix by Auguste Hébert, Advances in Geometry, Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 1–28,

8. Infinitely generated Hecke algebras with infinite presentation, Algebras and Representation Theory, 23, 2275–2293 (2020),

7. A note on type I groups acting on d–regular trees, arXiv:1506.02950, not for publication.

6. Parabolically induced unitary representations of the universal group U(F)+ are C0, Mathematica Scandinavica, 125(1), 113–134,

5. Positivity of the renormalized volume of almost-Fuchsian hyperbolic 3-manifolds, with Sergiu Moroianu, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144 (2016), 151–159,

4. A unified proof of the Howe–Moore property, Journal of Lie Theory 25 (2015), No. 1, 065–089,

3. The flat closing problem for buildings, Algebraic and Geometric Topology 14 (2014) 3089–3096,

2. Gelfand pairs and strong transitivity for Euclidean buildings, with P-E. Caprace, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Volume 35, Issue 04, 2015, 1056–1078,

1. Analytic aspects of locally compact groups acting on Euclidean buildings, UCLouvain, PhD thesis.



- Homogeneous dynamics and related topics, NCNGT conference (on Zoom)

- Chabauty limits of subgroups of SL(n,Qp), Paderborn, Germany (on Zoom)

- Strong transitivity and the Howe–Moore property, IHES, France (2 talks)

- Homogeneous dynamics and related topics, Séminaire virtuel francophone, France (on Zoom)


- Classical homogeneous dynamics in a non-linear setting, IMAR, Romania (on Zoom)

- Classical homogeneous dynamics in a non-linear setting, UTexas, Austin, U.S. (on Zoom)

- Classical homogeneous dynamics in a non-linear setting, Münster, Germany (on Zoom)


- Central limit theorems on Grassmann manifolds, Munich, Germany.

- Classical homogeneous dynamics in a non-linear setting, SMS Spring Days, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

- Groups and affine buildings, Gent, Belgium.


- Central Limit Theorems on Grassmannians, Münster, Germany.

- Central Limit Theorems on Grassmannians, Geneva, Switzerland.

- Chabauty limits of subgroups, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

- Applications of hyperbolic geometry to Kuramoto model of synchronization, Fribourg, Switzerland.

- Cartan limits of SL(n, Q_p), Lincoln, U.K..


- Cartan limits of SL(n, Q_p), Geneva, Switzerland.

- Cartan limits of SL(n, Q_p), ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

- Cartan limits of SL(n, Q_p), Münster, Germany.

- The cone topology on masures, Perth, Australia.

- Can an infinite number also be finite?, Mathematikon, Fribourg, Switzerland.

- What affine building?, Fribourg, Switzerland.

- Affine buildings, group actions and various compactifications, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

- Affine buildings, group actions and various compactifications, Heidelberg, Germany.


- Compactifications by asymmetric metrics of vector spaces, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland.

- Analytic aspects of locally compact groups, HIM Bonn, Germany.

- Infinitely generated Hecke algebras with infinite presentation, Münster, YMC*A, Germany.

- Compactifications by asymmetric metrics of vector spaces, Fribourg, Switzerland.


- Les algèbres de Hecke non-commutatives, Nice, France.

- Strongly transitive actions on affine ordered hovels, Buildings 2015, Münster, Germany.

- Characterizing Gelfand pairs for groups acting on buildings, Nachsholim, Israel.

- Non-commutative Hecke algebras, IRMA, Strasbourg, France.


- The Hecke algebra of the universal group U (F )+, Geneva, Switzerland.

- On a conjecture related to the Howe–Moore property, Bielefeld, Germany.

- On unitary representations of some locally compact groups, Geneva, Switzerland.

- Strongly regular hyperbolic elements and their applications to buildings, DGGSA V, Leuven, Belgium.

- Strongly regular hyperbolic elements and their applications to buildings, Lille, France.

- On the matrix coefficients of the universal group U(F)+, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

- Strongly regular hyperbolic elements and their applications to buildings, Grenoble, France.

- Analytic aspects of locally compact groups acting on Euclidean buildings, PhD Seminar, IHP, France.

- Locally compact groups acting on Euclidean buildings, Discussions Session of YGGT 3, Luminy France.


- Abelian versus free groups acting on buildings, Geometric and analytic group theory, Ventotene, Italy.

- The Howe–Moore property, IMAR, Bucharest, Romania.

- Gelfand pairs for locally compact groups acting on Euclidean buildings, GAGTA-7, New York, U.S..


- Gelfand pairs and groups acting on buildings, Buildings 2012, Münster, Germany.

- The Howe–Moore property: unified proof, Operator Algebra research seminar, KU Leuven, Belgium.


- The Howe–Moore property: unified proof, UCLouvain research seminar, Belgium.



- Sullivan’s Theorem (Otal’s book, Ch. 7), Technion, Israel (on Zoom)

- The Hyperbolization Theorem for fibered 3-Manifolds (Otal’s book, Ch. 6), Technion, Israel (on Zoom)


- Antoine's necklace, Informal Analysis Seminar, Fribourg, Switzerland


-Spaces with a geodesic bicombing and the asymptotic rank I, Fribourg, Switzerland.

-Spaces with a geodesic bicombing and the asymptotic rank I, Fribourg, Switzerland.


Co-organizing the reading seminar on Harmonic maps into singular spaces and p-adic superrigidity for lattices in groups of rank one, by Gromov - Schoen, giving various talks, Fribourg Switzerland.


-Conjugacy growth in linear groups (presentation of Breuillard-Cornulier-Lubotzky-Meiri article), Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

-Introduction to local/global fields and conjugacy growth in nilpotent/solvable groups (Hull/Breuillard-Cornulier articles), Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

-Organizing the working group 'Random walks on groups', Fribourg, Switzerland, giving various talks.

-Representation theory and Property (T) for oligomorphic groups, after Todor Tsankov, Polish groups seminar, Münster, Germany.

-Properly discontinuous actions on symmetric spaces, Tee-seminar, Münster, Germany.

-Convex cocompact subgroups, Tee-seminar, Münster, Germany.


-Organizing the reading group ‘C–simplicity and unique trace property for discrete groups’, after E. Breuillard, M. Kalantar, M. Kennedy and N. Ozawa, Geneva, Switzerland.

-The Furstenberg–Poisson boundary, reading group, Geneva, Switzerland.

-C–simplicity of groups, reading group, Geneva, Switzerland.


-Organizing the advanced seminar ‘Groups acting on trees’, Geneva, Switzerland.


-Connections with holomorphic dynamics, KU Leuven - UCLouvain working seminar.


-Ergodic actions of higher rank lattices: end of the proof, KU Leuven - UCLouvain working seminar.

-Biweekly ‘Special cube complexes’ working seminar, UCLouvain, October - December 2012.

-Biweekly ‘Mapping Class Groups’ working seminar, UCLouvain, February - June 2012.


-Topological full groups and finite generation, KU Leuven - UCLouvain working seminar.

-The proof of Mostow’s Rigidity Theorem: end of the proof, UCLouvain working seminar.

-The proof of Mostow’s Rigidity Theorem: ergodic part, UCLouvain working seminar.


-AMS MathRev (9 reviewed articles)

- zbMATH (1 reviewed article).



- Buildings, Münster, Germany.

- Buildings and Symmetries, Perth, Australia.

- Geometric Structures in Group Theory, Oberwolfach, Germany.

- Group Theory Day, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

- Compactifications of Buildings and Symmetric Spaces, Heidelberg, Germany.

- Asymptotic geometry of groups and spaces, Heidelberg, Germany.


- New directions in L2-invariants, HIM Bonn, Germany.

- YMC*A 2016, Münster, Germany.

- Beyond hyperbolicity, Cambridge, England.

- Dynamics, Geometry and Number Theory: Margulis 2016, IHP Paris, France.

-Topological and Homological Methods in Group Theory, Bielefeld, Germany.

- Sheds 2016, Münster, Germany.

- Young Geometric Group Theory V, Karlsruhe, Germany.


- Geometric Group Theory in Bonn II, Bonn, Germany.

- Paroles aux jeunes chercheurs en groupes et géométries, Nice, France.

- Buildings 2015, Münster, Germany.

- Summer School on Reductive Groups, Lichtenfels, Germany.

- 3 dimensional Geometric Structures, Luxembourg.

- Francis Bonahon's conference, Orsay, France.

- Geometries in action, ENS, Lyon, France.

- Generalizations of Symmetric Spaces, Nachsholim, Israel.

- Growth, Symbolic Dynamics and Combinatorics of Words in Groups, Paris, France.

- Borel Seminar ‘High-Dimensional Expanders 2015’, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.

- Introductory Workshop: Dynamics on Moduli Spaces of Geometric Structures, MSRI, Berkeley, U.S..

- Connections for Women: Dynamics on Moduli Spaces of Geometric Structures, MSRI, Berkeley, U.S..


- Geometric and Combinatorial Group Theory, IAS, Jerusalem, Israel.

- Cube complexes and groups, Copenhagen, Denmark.

- Algebraic groups and representations, semi-trimestre, Lyon, France.

- Discrete Groups and Geometric Structures, with Applications V (DGGSA V), Leuven, Belgium.

- Random walks and asymptotic geometry of groups, IHP–trimestre, Paris, France.

- Young Geometric Group Theory Meeting 3, CIRM, Luminy, France.


- Geometric and analytic group theory, Ventotene, Italy.

- Von Neumann Algebras and Measurable Group Theory, KU Leuven, Belgium.

- Summer School ‘Rigidity and group actions’, Paris, France.

- Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications (GAGTA-7), New York, U.S..

- Locally compact groups beyond Lie theory, Spa, Belgium.

- Hot Topics: Surface subgroups and cube complexes, MSRI, Berkeley, U.S..


- Masterclass on Sofic groups, Copenhagen, Denmark.

- Buildings 2012, Munster, Germany.

- Workshop ‘Graphs and Groups’, Lille, France.

- Geometric group theory summer school, Park City, Utah, U.S..

- Coarse geometry of infinite groups, Lille, France.

- Laminations and symbolic dynamics, CIRM, Luminy, France.

- Groups 2012, Bielefeld, Germany.

- Hot Topics: Thin Groups and Super-strong Approximation, MSRI, Berkeley, U.S..

- Young Geometric Group Theory Meeting, Bedlewo, Poland.


- Infinite Monster Groups, ESI-Wien, Austria.

- Buildings 2011, Munster, Germany.

- Von Neumann algebras and ergodic theory of group actions, IHP–trimestre, Paris, France.

- International Conference Ergodic Geometry, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France.

- Summer school ‘Von Neumann algebras and ergodic theory of group actions’, CIRM, Luminy, France.

- Francqui Lectures: Metric embeddings in Hilbert and Banach spaces, KU Leuven, Belgium.

- Summer school ‘Limits of graphs’, ANR-AGORA, Lyon, France.


- Growth: Summer Workshop for Graduate Students, Technion, Israel.

- Groups and Large Scale Geometry, Clermont-Ferrand, France.


Spring 2019 - University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

Introduction au calcul des et statistique II, with Prof. Christian Mazza

Fall 2018 - University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

Introduction au calcul des et statistique I, with Prof. Ioan Manolescu

Spring 2018 - University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

Metric geometry Masters's course, principal instructor.

Fall 2017 - University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

-Proseminar on Courbes et surfaces, with Prof. Patrick Ghanaat.

Spring 2017 -University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

-Séminaire thématique, with Katrin Fässler.

Fall 2016 - University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

-Proseminar on Expander Graphs,

Spring 2016 - University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

Analyse II, instructor Prof. Patrick Ghanaat.

Spring 2015 - University of Geneva, Switzerland.

Complex Analysis II, instructor Prof. Anders Karlsson.

Metric geometry, instructor Prof. Anders Karlsson.

Fall 2014 - University of Geneva, Switzerland.

Complex Analysis II, instructor Prof. Anders Karlsson.

Fall 2013

LMAT2440–Number Theory, instructor Prof. Jean-Pierre Tignol.

Fall 2012

LMAT2440–Number Theory, instructor Prof. Jean-Pierre Tignol.

Fall 2011

LMAT2440–Number Theory, instructor Prof. Jean-Jacques Quisquater.


08-2009/10/11 Grant 1188/2009 ‘Geometric and quantum invariants of 3-manifolds and applications’, under the supervision of Prof. Sergiu Moroianu - IMAR, Bucharest, Romania.


09/2009-08/2010 Treasurer of the Association of Master’s Students of Ecole Polytechnique (AMiX).


Romanian: native

English: proficient

French: proficient.

German: beginner.