global demographic database project

Comparisons of population dynamics are a powerful approach to answering big questions in ecology, and are facilitated by the COMPADRE and COMADRE databases.

Work in our lab has shown that invasive species have higher projected population growth rates and greater vegetative reproduction than noninvasive relatives (Burns 2008). Also, differences in fecundity contribute more to invasiveness than differences in survival or growth (Burns et al. 2013).

Jean H. Burns is a member of the core committee for the COMPADRE & COMADRE database project to create an open-access database of matrix population models for both animals and plants from all over the world to facilitate its usage for scientific and teaching purposes.

These databases are a repository of demographic data from (mostly) published literature. As the number of published matrix population models (MPMs) grows, so do the opportunities to ask exciting questions about plant and animal demography, ecology, and evolution at a global and cross-taxonomic scale. The underlying motivation behind COMPADRE and COMADRE is to facilitate this research by collecting, digitizing, and archiving MPMs at a central repository in a standardized format.


COM(P)ADRE NSF grant (DBI-1661342 000), ABI Development: An Open-Access Global Repository of Plant and Animal Demographic Data.

The iDiv working group sAPROPOS (Analysis of PROjections of POpulationS) in Leipzig, Germany, 2017.

Compagnoni, Aldo, Sam Levin, Dylan Childs, William Harpole, Maria Paniw, Gesa Römer, Jean H. Burns, Judy Che-Castaldo, Nadja Rüger, Georges kunstler, Joanne Bennett, C. Ruth Archer, Owen Jones, Roberto Salguero-Gómez, and Tiffany Knight. in press. Herbaceous perennial plants with short generation time have stronger responses to climate anomalies than those with longer generation time. Nature Communications.


Burns, Jean H., Eleanor A. Pardini, Michele R. Schutzenhofer, Y. Anny Chung, Katie J. Seidler, and Tiffany M. Knight. 2013. Greater fecundity contributes to the population growth of invasive plants in comparison with their noninvasive relatives. Ecology. 94(5): 995–1004. doi: 10.1890/12-1310.1 pdf

Buckley, Yvonne M., Satu Ramula, Simon P. Blomberg, Jean H. Burns, Elizabeth E. Crone, Johan Ehrlén, Tiffany M. Knight, Jean-Baptiste Pichancourt, Helen Quested, and Glenda M. Wardle. 2010. Causes and consequences of variation in plant population growth rate: a synthesis of matrix population models in a phylogenetic context. Ecology Letters. 13: 1182–1197. pdf

Burns, Jean H., Simon P. Blomberg, Elizabeth E. Crone, Johan Ehrlén, Tiffany M. Knight, Jean-Baptiste Pichancourt, Satu Ramula, Glenda M. Wardle and Yvonne M. Buckley. 2010. Empirical tests of life-history evolution theory using phylogenetic analysis of plant demography. Journal of Ecology. 1–11. pdf

Burns, Jean H. 2008. Demographic performance predicts invasiveness of species in the Commelinaceae under high nutrient conditions. Ecological Applications. 18(2): 335–346. pdf

Ramula, Satu, Tiffany M. Knight, Jean H. Burns, and Yvonne M. Buckley. 2008. General guidelines for invasive plant management based on comparative demography of invasive and native plant populations. Journal of Applied Ecology. 45: 1124–1133. pdf