

Mrs Aitchison 2023 - 2024


The school policy on attendance (see student handbook) will be followed.  There will be consequences for unexcused absences from class (cuts) and for unexcused lateness to class.  If you know you will miss class due to an excused absence, it is your responsibility to see me before this absence about the work you will miss.  You will also need to see me after an absence to get any missed notes and assignments (hopefully with the packets this will be reduced).  If this missed work is not done in a timely manner, you will receive a zero for it. If you are absent, you can access assignments on my website. If you are waived from class, you are expected to see me in advance to get missed work and turn in assignments that are due. 

Warrior Way:

Follow the warrior way in class.


When not being used with the class and with permission of the teacher, cell phones should be away and silent.

Preparation for Class:

You are expected to be prepared for class each day.  That includes having all of the appropriate materials needed for class (textbook, packet for the unit, notebook, writing utensils, completed homework assignment, and a scientific calculator).  It is expected that you will come to class ready to work and to learn. 


You need to bring a notebook to class everyday.  You will be expected to take notes, including definitions, formulas and sample problems, during class.  All of your classwork and homework should be done in this notebook or in your packet.  I strongly suggest getting a folder for handouts and to keep completed worksheets and tests.  You may choose to use a 3 ring binder. Notebook pop quizzes may be given.


Probably the biggest single factor contributing to the success of students in math is their ability to work effectively outside the classroom.  Homework will be assigned regularly.  Although this will vary, homework should take an average of thirty minutes a night.  It is expected that you will make a serious effort to complete each assignment given to you.  If you have trouble with a particular problem, you should come to class with specific questions to ask which will aid you.  There will be regular homework checks and some assignments will be collected.  You are responsible for homework assignments given during your absence.  Homework constitutes a percentage of your final grade.  Homework is graded on effort and completeness, not on correctness, with each assignment graded on a 5-point scale.  Late homework will receive up to 50% credit if turned in before the next assessment after which it will remain a zero. Assignments are posted in the classroom and on my website. They are also on the weekly agendas in Google classroom.

Tests, Quizzes, Projects:

Tests will usually cover a chapter in the text.  They will be announced several days in advance and a topic list / study guide will be given.  Quizzes may be announced or unannounced and will cover material from a few lessons.  Projects will be assigned during the year.  Specifics on these will be given at the time of their issuance.

Deadlines / Late policy:

Deadlines will be given for all projects and for many assignments.  Students need to start projects early to ensure enough time to complete the assignment and ask any questions that may arise during project completion.  Please note:  assignments and projects are due at the beginning of your class period on the due date. If you come to school late on the day something is due, you will be expected to bring the assignment to me when you arrive to school or it will be considered late. If you leave school before class on the due date, you must turn in the assignment before you leave. Per the Math Department Late Work Policy, if you turn in work late, you will 10% of the possible points per school day it is late. Once the assignment is corrected and returned to students, the assignment will no longer be accepted and you will receive a zero for it.


You are expected to turn in your own work. Cheating and copying work is not accepted. The school policy on academic dishonesty will be followed.


You need to keep a book cover on your Geometry book at all times.  Any and all damage to your book will result in a fine. You should bring your book to class each day. When you are assigned a book, please make sure you inform the teacher of any damage already done to the book. 

Extra Help:  

If you are having trouble, you need to let me know.  Don't be afraid to ask questions.  I am available most afternoons for extra help -- just make an appointment.  Extra help appointments can also be made for before school and during the school day when I am not in classes. My office is in the math office, room 109.

Grading Policy:

Ninety percent (90%) of your grade will be tests, quizzes and projects.  The remaining ten percent (10%) will be homework. Grades will be posted on Power School.