7th Grade World History 

Mr. Jugenheimer and Mr. Kerensky

Google Bitmoji Classroom

Welcome to 7th Grade world history. 

This page is a good resource for parents and students to get started. Students, however,  will utilize Google Classroom for everything in class this year. There they will find and complete assignments, find resources, be able to review and rewatch lectures and communicate with staff and students regarding things relevant to class. 

All Assignments will be listed on Google Classroom, NOT on this site.

You can view the calendar for a comprehensive list of what we will be doing each day in class. It is usually completed for an entire unit, that way if you miss or need to miss, you should know what we did or will be doing on a given day(s).

Click on the Important Websites page for some important links. These should send you to all places that you will need for the class. Your teacher's email can be found on this as well. Let's have a great year. 

7th Grade History Staff                                            

The Bitmoji Classroom is interactive. Clicking on various things will take you to a variety of sites, including Email, Calendar, ProgressBook and others.