School Discipline Policy

Bear holding a star.

Be a Star!

We have a school-wide discipline plan at Byron Primary School. Meet "Bear" who along with "Star Girl" taught us what being a star means at BPS. We watched a video, called Be A Star, produced and directed by some talented teachers and principal.In kindergarten, we will be using the all-school model of “STARS”.

S= Safety First

T= Teamwork

A= Always Take Pride

R= Responsibility

S= Show Respect

This will be used by all adults working with children at BPS. This year, our special area teachers will be using the STAR reminder cards as well as Super Star cards.

If your child is NOT showing STAR behavior a slip will be sent home indicating which area they were having difficulty with.

Students may also be given a Super Star card. This card will indicate an area in which your child was excelling! :-)