Policies & Procedures

Classroom Policies


Your overall science grade will be based on the following: tests, quizzes, labs, lab write-ups, in-class assignments, homework, and participation

Grading breakdown is as follows:

A+ 100% B+ 89% C+ 79% D+ 69% F 59% and below

A 99%-92% B 88%-82% C 78%-72% D 68%-62%

A- 91%-90% B- 81%-80% C- 71%-70% D- 61%-60%

Please note: I DO NOT round grades. This means that if you earn an 89.9%, a B+, I do not round up to a 90%, A-. I DO NOT offer extra credit assignments as a way to bring up your grade at the end of the trimester.

Late work: Assignments are expected to be turned in on the date they are due (with the exception of absences). In the event that a due date is missed late work may still be accepted (at teacher’s discretion). For late work to be considered you must complete a LATE WORK FORM and attach it to the assignment. One form will be required per assignment. Late work deadlines will be given periodically throughout the year. Once a late work deadline has passed, any work missed prior to that deadline will not be accepted.

Absent work: School policy states that students have as many days as were absent to make up all missed work. For example, if you are out sick for three days, you have three days from the day you return to school to finish any work missed. Tests and quizzes need to be made up within one week of returning to school. After one week, a score of “0” will be given. This is your responsibility to remember to make up missing tests, quizzes, and/or assignments. If an assignment was given prior to a student’s absence then that assignment is due the day the student returns to class, otherwise it is considered late and a LATE WORK FORM will be required.

Homework: When assigned, homework is DUE at the BEGINNING of class. A student is not permitted to work on homework when they come to class, even if the tardy bell has not yet rung.

Test retakes: If a student scores less than a 75% on any test they may qualify for one test retake per test. Should you wish to be considered for a retake you must fill out and submit a REQUEST TO RETEST form within two school days of tests being returned to students. If a retake is granted, it must be done within three days of retake approval. The higher of the two scores will be recorded.

Academic Dishonesty / Plagiarism:

Plagiarism is a very serious issue. It’s important for all students to have ownership for their work and not someone else’s. Should an incident of academic dishonesty occur an automatic referral will be issued. In addition to the referral a student will be issued a zero or asked to redo the assignment. This will be up to the teacher.


    • Copying from another student’s work at any time – in class or anywhere else, including home.

    • Copying a paper or other work from the internet or other source.

    • Asking another student for answers.

    • Working in a group on an assignment that was assigned as individual work.

    • Changing an answer after a paper/exam/quiz was graded.\Not marking answers wrong when scoring your paper or another student’s paper.

    • Turning in work that has been completed in part or in whole by a parent or another student.

    • Using a “cheat sheet” during a quiz or test

    • Reading a condensed version of a novel/play/etc. or watching a movie based on the book instead of reading the assigned full-length version.

Plagiarism – a piece of written work or an idea that somebody has copied and claimed as his or her own. Simply changing a word or two from the original work is still plagiarism – all ideas must be cited using a bibliography or parenthetical citation.

Labs/Lab Write-ups:

Labs are a privilege. Students will sit out of labs and possibly lose points if behavior expectations are not met. (See the following for more detailed information on lab safety.) If a student is absent, labs may or may not be made up depending on equipment needed. Labs decided not to be made up (due to equipment challenges) may be excused or an alternate assignment given.

Detailed Information on Labs

Learning can happen in many ways: individually, with a partner, in a small group, and as a whole class. A science “lab” is when learning and discovery can take place. In order to be successful with the 8th grade science curriculum, conducting and exploring a science lab is very important. Below are some guidelines that must be followed during lab days.

    1. SAFETY IS FIRST. It is VITAL all instructions are followed as written in the lab procedures. Any unauthorized lab activity will not be permitted. This is NON-NEGOTIABLE. If a student appears to be off-task, he/she is probably off-task. My advice: don’t appear to be off-task. Typically if students wish to explore further within a lab, all they have to do is ask. I will almost always allow extra investigations, as long as they are safe.

    • Follow all written & verbal instructions carefully.

    • Horseplay, pranks, or practical jokes will not be tolerated.

    • Do not touch any science equipment, supplies or other materials without permission.

    • Wear safety goggles when instructed. Never remove goggles during an experiment.

    • Keep your work area neat and clean.

    • Clean all work areas when finished with a lab.

    • Follow teacher’s instructions when disposing of chemicals or other waste materials.

    • Report any accidents immediately.

    • Do not touch, drink, smell, or taste any chemicals during an experiment unless directed to.

    • Do not remove chemicals, equipment, or supplies from the classroom.

    • Use extreme caution when using matches, burners or lighters.

    • Dress properly: long hair tied back, no loose or baggy clothing, etc.

ACCIDENTS DO HAPPEN, but if an accident is caused from off-task behavior, then the student(s) will have a loss of points, removal from future labs and a possible office referral.


Classroom Procedures

Entering the classroom: Upon entering the classroom sit in your assigned seat, take out your K.O.A (Kick-off Assignment) sheet, and begin working on the K.O.A posted on the board. If a student is not in their seat and actively working when the bell rings they will be marked tardy.

Obtaining absent or make-up work: There are three (3) ways to obtain missed work BEFORE ASKING THE TEACHER:

    1. Going online to my website and looking at the daily calendar and downloading assignments.

    2. Go to the ABSENT Crate, look in the binder, and pull missed assignments from corresponding folders.

    3. Ask a friend.

Turning in Late Work: Assignments are expected to be turned in on their due date. Should a student wish to have their late assignment considered for grading, obtain a LATE WORK FORM from the labeled folder at the front of the ABSENT crate and fill it out completely. (Incomplete or hastily filled in forms will be returned and work will not be graded.) Attach completed form to the front of late assignment and place in the late work bin.

No-Name Work: Any work submitted without a name will be placed in the no-name basket. Should a student wish to claim and submit their work they must fill out a LATE WORK FORM and follow the procedure for turning in late work. Unclaimed papers will be thrown away on the last school day of every month.

Food and Drink: You are permitted to have a water bottle containing only water during class except during labs times. Due to the use of chemicals and other lab equipment food is not permitted.

Sharpening Pencils/Getting Drinks/Throwing Away Trash: There are no set times for performing these activities but please use COMMON SENSE. When needing to do one of these tasks please do so quickly and quietly. It is not a time to get up and wander around the classroom and talking to other students. When throwing away trash please place the item in the bin. DO NOT TREAT THE TRASH CAN LIKE A BASKETBALL HOOP. My classroom is not Oracle Arena and you do not play for the Warriors.

Using the Restroom: Students are expected to use the restroom during passing periods and at lunch. Should a student need to use the restroom during class time please sign your name on the whiteboard near the door and take the restroom pass hanging on the wall. Upon returning to the classroom erase your name from the board and return the pass to its hook on the wall. Only one student is allowed out at a time.

Asking Questions: I encourage questions! Should you have a question during class please raise your hand quietly and wait to be called on. Questions can also be emailed to me or you may come up and ask during work time, before and after school, and during lunch.

Office Hours: If you find yourself needing additional help or support I am available by appointment before and after school or during lunch. Feel free to email me or talk to me directly to set up a time to meet.

Test Retake: To request the opportunity to retake a test please obtain a REQUEST TO RETEST form from the labeled folder in the ABSENT crate and fill it out completely. Once form is completely filled in please hand it to me directly. Incomplete or hastily filled out forms will be returned and the request to retake the test will be denied. Retake opportunities apply only to tests and must comply with previously stated timelines.

End of Class: When the class period is coming to an end I will give you the signal to begin cleaning up. To be courteous to the next class please straighten up your area by throwing away any trash, putting away materials, and/or wiping up ny messes. Once you have packed up your belongings and the area around you is clean, have a seat and wait to be excused. Under no circumstances are you to get up and crowd the door. I will dismiss you not the bell.

Substitute Teachers: When there is a substitute all classroom policies and procedures are still in place and are expected to be followed. If your name shows up on a sub report for anything negative you will receive a referral. No arguing, No exceptions

Binder Checks: Binders are expected to be neat and organized. Binders will be collected and graded periodically throughout the year. Ample notice will be given prior to a check and a binder checklist will be provided. You and another student will look over your binder and sign an acknowledgement before turning it into me.