District Professional Development Archives

Social-Emotional Learning and the new standards- Jess Davies-WOSC

Math Updates- Jay Borchers, WOSC

Gifted topic TBD-Candice Sears, WOSC

Science Updates-Dan Michael, WOSC

Children's Literature-Stephanie Vuckovich and Nicole Otting

Art Round Table

PE Round Table

STEM Round Table

Music Round Table

Air Camp Round Table

World Languages Round Table

BEHAVIOR (need title) -required session for Special Needs Assistants; Hal Houseworth, Key Behavior Services, Inc.

2017 Opening Day Session Handouts and Resources:

Sessions and Room Numbers

2016 Opening Day Session Handouts and Resources:

Sessions and Room Numbers

2015 Opening Day Session Handouts and Resources:

Sessions and Room Numbers

Science with Angie McMurry

Rich Mathematical Tasks with Tess Rivero

Vocabularians with H. Chai and L. Welz UPPER GRADES LOWER GRADES

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with Tracey Kramer

Assessment Literacy with Liz Wolfe-Eberly

Interactivate Your Classroom with Nickie Sattler

Legislative Updates and Teacher Advocacy with Kathy Kingston

Opening Day Video Files: