
Welcome, Orchestra students and parents! We have three orchestras at EMS: a sixth grade string orchestra, a seventh and eighth grade string orchestra, and a chamber orchestra. String orchestras are elective courses, and meet on Blue days. Students may elect to play violin, viola, cello or double bass. We explore a variety of musical styles and traditions, while also focusing on rudiments of technique and applicable music theory. Each student also receives a series of lessons throughout the year, allowing for an essential degree of individual attention to be given to their development.

The chamber orchestra is comprised of students who have at least two years of experience. It meets after school, on Thursday Blue days, from 3:15-4:15. See the page labeled Chamber Orchestra for more information.

In all orchestras, students learn how to be part of a team when playing in an ensemble, and are expected to participate positively in that experience. We perform a series of concerts throughout the year, take fun field trips, and attend other musical events in the Burlington area. Seventh and Eighth graders are also eligible to participate in the District III music festival.

Mr. Hakim uses Powerschool Unified Classroom to post assignments and grades. Here is the link to log in: https://classroom.powerschool.com/

For the 2020-21 school year, please use this orchestra website instead (click here). Thank you!