
How Ecosystems Change


Ohio Wildlife Timeline:

Read through all the events that happened in Ohio's wildlife history. Choose the 5 you think were most important. On the paper, list the year, the event, what happened and whether it was beneficial (good) or detrimental(bad).


Worksheet (PDF)

Research -- Slideshow (PDF) Text Only (PDF)

Ecosystem Changes Research:

Students picked one of the 12 events (randomly) and had to research how the ecosystem changed because of it. (Most were able to just Google actual events that happened and reported on how things changed) I am just looking for a paragraph or two that explains what they learned and how it changed the ecosystem.


Event Choices (PDF)

Lorax Cause and Effect:

After reading the Lorax aloud in class, students were asked to pair up and write down three changes that occurred during the story. They had to list the Change/Cause and the effect.


Cause & Effect Sheet (PDF)