2022 - 2023 Dismissal Changes

Blue Notes - Change of Dismissal Procedure ‘Blue Notes’ will continue to be digital at HHES! ‘Blue Notes’ highlighting your child’s dismissal changes will be online. Please access the Google Form HHES Blue Note and submit to the main office NO LATER THAN 11:00 a.m. on the day of the dismissal change. The form will not be accessible after 11:00 a.m. It will be available from 4:00 p.m. on the previous day to 11:00 a.m. on the day of the dismissal change. We do not accept faxes or emails for after school changes of plans. You will be allowed a one-time courtesy if you need to change dismissal plans for your child and you did not submit the online blue note. As a one time courtesy you need to call the main office and can fax or email your wishes to change your child’s dismissal plans. Please call the main office prior to sending an email or fax so that someone can confirm the change was received. We understand that at times there are situations outside of your control, and we will make accommodations past the one time courtesy in the event that there is a change in your child’s dismissal that is outside of your control, for example weather related or other emergency. Please do not email your child’s classroom teacher.