My very definite ideas on The Shining

The Shining Review

I don’t even know where to begin with The Shining. Everything was chosen with such care to form a perfect and chilling story. The Shining can make you laugh, which you don’t really see in horror. It makes you scream until you can’t anymore. It gives you goosebumps. It’s a good thriller. The Shining can also make you wonder. The ending is so unclear it’s scary. The lines are well thought out that each tender word makes you think about what they mean or what will happen next. You couldn’t have gotten a better director. Stanley Kubrick spent weeks or months on one scene to perfect it. He used semantic satiation which is where you repeat something until it comes naturally. Shelley Duvall nailed it. She said each word as she meant it, as though she was actually in her situation. She blew me away, the movie was far more than what I expected because of her. I tried picturing other people playing the role of Jack Torrance, but nobody could have done it as Jack Nicholson did. He took the role to places nobody else could have gone. His expressions sum up why I watch movies, to see actors become their characters, and that’s what Jack Nicholson did. If you haven’t seen this blood rushing movie you’re crazier than Jack Torrance.