Come and read with us, Danny

Director- Stanley Kubrick

Actors- Jack Nicholson (Jack Torrance), Shelley Duvall (Wendy Torrance), Danny Lloyd (Danny Torrance), Scatman Crothers (Dick Hallorann).

Where it was filmed- The Timberline Lodge on Mount Hood in Oregon was the front of the Overlook Hotel, and the back and the inside were made just for The Shining at Elstree Studios in London, England

Novel- This film was based on the novel with the same title by Stephen King


The Overlook Hotel has a horrific history. Delbert Grady, the winter caretaker one year, had killed himself and his family. Now, Jack Torrance wants to be the winter caretaker. The Overlook carries a lot of evil. So much that Jack begins to warp into madness, his wife Wendy oblivious to the spirits. All of the evil wakes up at Jack’s presence and the only person who notices is someone with a gift. He has The Shining. He sees things in his mind, like a movie. Some can be the past, some the future, and some of the present. He is Jack’s extremely intelligent son, Danny Torrance.