Student Contact Form
Health Info Form
Parent/Student Enrollment Agreement
Acceptable Computer Use Agreement
Bridging Communities Calendar
Parent Student Handbook
Applying to programs at Bridging Communities is a competitive process. A student’s attendance record, cumulative grades, and responses to the application questions are reviewed and considered in the application process.
Students interested in applying to any of the programs offered must submit an application to their high school counselor.
2025-26 Applications Due to Bridging Communities office - 3/28/2025
Check with your counselor for earlier date due to high school
APPLICATION - Must be turned into your guidance counselor
Students from our 6 participating divisions may apply by submitting an application to their counselor
Participating Divisions - Charles City, King & Queen, King William, Middlesex, New Kent, West Point
Students may apply as rising 10th - 12th graders (Individual programs have specific requirements, please look on the program information page)
Requirements for each program can be found on the program information page. Counselors may test students prior to Application Due Date
Counselors will submit applications, required student records, & testing information to Bridging Communities by the Application Due Date
Bridging Communities will review all applications and communicate with counselors
Bridging Communities teachers may contact students for interviews
Bridging Communities will send out acceptance letters and notify counselors of application status
All accepted students are required to attend the Bridging Communities student registration prior to the new school year - Dates of student registration will be in the acceptance letter and posted on the Bridging Communities calendar