Parent Resources

Child Mind

"The Child Mind Institute is an independent, national nonprofit dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders. Our teams work every day to deliver the highest standards of care, advance the science of the developing brain and empower parents, professionals and policymakers to support children when and where they need it most."

Family Education Network

Source of parenting information. Provides educational printables, parenting ideas and additional resources.

Common Sense Media

A source of information, education, providing recommendations on safe technology and media use. Additonal parent resources offered on various topics pertinent to today's youth such as coronavirus, current news events, screen time and more.

American School Counseling Association

The American School Counseling Association is an excellent resource to learn more about the role of a school counselor. The link to the articles for parents will provide information on various topics, including but not limited to: back to school, the transition to middle school, bullying, getting ready for high school, and helping a grieving child.

Suicide Prevention

NH Coalition for Suicide Prevention provides and offers resources to help prevent suicide.

Kid's Health

Information on children's health and development. Kid's Health provides a page for parents on various topics such as general health, emotions and behavior. The site also links to a kids and teens page with information appropriate for that age group.

Talking to Kids About Current Events

When tragic events occur, it can be difficult to process and answer questions. The following two resources offer suggestions on how to handle conversations with children/adolescents on current and tragic events that can and have occurred in our society.

How to talk with kids when the news is scary

Talking to kids about current events