Student Support Partners

Boston Public Health Commission School Based Health Center - Boston Latin Academy is fortunate to have a school-based health center located in our building. The Health Center is staffed by a Nurse Practitioner, a Clinical Social Worker, a Health Educator and an administrative assistant. They work together to provide wrap around care within the school building. Their services are designed to supplement a student's primary care and make it easier for students to access care when they need it without adding extra time or transportation to their busy lives. The ability for students to receive to physical or mental health treatment that they need within the school day ensures that students receive consistent care and facilitates student attending school and classes regularly. All of the care student receive is free, however, families do need to fill out an application to consent for care in order to receive treatment. Applications for the Health Center can be found in the school counseling office in Room 150 or for more information on the staff of the Health Center and the application please click here.

Boston Private Industry Council (PIC) - The PIC is a nonprofit organization that connects business, the Boston Public Schools, higher education, government, labor, and community organizations to create innovative workforce and education solutions that benefit Boston residents and businesses alike. The PIC is the connection between education and workforce, between school and career, and between classroom and the workplace. As part of their work, the PIC Career Specialists help student obtain jobs and internships around the city.

College Advising Corps - College Advising Corps is a national nonprofit that places recent college graduates in high schools to support and enhance a college-going culture. Jean Charles is BLA students' full-time College Advisor. He meets with students one-on-one to support them through college list making, application completion, and college essay brainstorming and editing. He organizes college admissions information sessions at BLA and is in regular communication with students about upcoming events.

Homeless Education Resource Network- This year HERN and the Boston Public Schools have partnered on a new Strategic Implementation Plan to best support students in our school who are experiencing homelessness. Katie Mandosa-Hayes is the liaison working with students at BLA. The liaison is able to make referrals to help connect students with shelter, transportation, food and household items, and wraparound services. Katie can be reached by email at, or by phone at 617-635-9957 ext. 122