Parent Resources
Infinite Campus
Parents and students can access attendance and grade info through Infinite Campus.
Parents: How to set up your Infinite Campus
Step 1: Get an Activation Key from the school counselor or Registrar
Step 2: Go to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Step 3: Select the option "if you have been assigned a Campus Portal Activation Key..."
Step 4: Enter the Activation Key and click "Submit"
Step 5: Create a username and password. Click "Create Account"
Step 6: Log in to the portal using your newly created username and password
Google Classroom
Students are using Google Classroom as their primary platform for virtual learning.
Guardian Email Summaries
As a guardian, you can get email summaries about your student's activity in Classroom. Summaries include information about:
missing work
upcoming work
class announcements or other posts from the teacher
NOT grades
Your child's teacher at East has sent you an invitation to join your child's class. Accept the invitation to get these summaries!