
The Tool: Google Blogger Blake QuickAnswers: Google Apps @Blake: BloggerThe Crib Sheet: Google Blogger

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Read: Why Blog?

Why Blog?  Read the following blo

Part I. Creating a Blog

Challenge A - Let's Make a Blog

  • Create a blog

  • Write a two sentence reflection on what you've learned today.

  • Insert a video from YouTube that illustrates one of your interests or hobbies.

Part II. Share, Comments and Collaborate on a Blog

Challenge B - Let's Make a Blog

  • Set your blog to private and add a reader. OR set your blog up with a single password.

  • Schedule a post to appear in 5 minutes.

Part III. Blogger in the Classroom

I Think, Therefore I Blog - Google Education Hangout webinar

Using Blogger

Skill level: Beginner

Lead by Ben Curran Technologist & Teacher, Michigan, USA

Blogs can be a great way for teachers to share information about their classrooms. They're also great for reflecting on your practice. But they also have value to students, as well! This session will provide both a step-by-step overview of how to set up a blog using Blogger, with insight into special features that educators need to know about, AND a sharing of ideas and inspiration. Everything you need, basically, to get you and your students blogging.

Check out the I Think, Therefore I Blog eBook.

A List of "Super Blogs," Curated by Paul Hannan

Super Blogs