Expedition 2024 Daily Updates

Day 1 (20/1/24) - Making our way to Puerto Galera 

We started out this trip meeting each other at Burger King outside the airport. We all said our goodbyes to our parents and thankfully, after a long wait at check in we didn’t have to take too long to pass the security screening that was next and were left with around an hour to ourselves to explore the airport. The next hour went by really quick; everyone had a little to eat and drink and we were all ready for the late-night flight. Luckily some of the aisles at the back of the plane were empty, allowing some of us to move to the back of the plane. The plane landed at around 3am. The car ride was 2 hours long and thanks to this, some of us were able to get some more sleep in. The van brought us to the port where we boarded a water taxi. Watching our luggage being carried over super thin platforms was definitely both interesting and nerve wracking. Once we arrived at the island completely exhausted (except Nam Trung because he experienced the grace of sleeping on my shoulder without my consent) we finally got the rest we had all been looking forward to before we had an amazing spread of food for lunch. Afterwards we got split up into scuba diving groups and got to pick out our scuba diving equipment. But the main highlight of the day was watching the scuba diving manual video, that everyone was REALLY looking forward to, and that everyone was DEFINITELY 100% awake for.

Hieu, Nafiz, Ash

Day 2 (21/1/14) - Spot the fish

Somewhere in this photo is a well camouflaged Scorpionfish. Can you find it? Where is the eye and the mouth?

Day 2 (21/1/14) - The first dive

Today can be summed up as ‘busy.’ We initially attended our first in-water practical training. Such as learning to assemble and utilise our equipment along with essential skills like, how to equalise when entering lower depths, ways to provide better comfort, and adapting to different situations such as losing their breathing regulator. This all put us into perspective of how challenging diving was and it sure wasn’t just simply putting on an airtank and breathing from it. But it sure did provide some hilarious moments from people floating around in the pool trying to get their wetsuits on (Ash and Nam Trung😁).

After all this was done, we all were forced to pass the standard Padi course assessment, Quiz A, which we passed somewhat “well” but for some people Quiz B was their chance for redemption. This finally gave us the breakthrough to attempt our first diving expedition which allowed many of us to experience what people would call their first. Diving into the water to discover aquatic life in person, but for one group unfortunately they spent their whole air tank just to get to the bottom! 

After the long busy day, the majority of us headed out to visit the lively neighbouring town next to our resort, and of course, the first thing that came to our minds was the convenience store, buying things ranging from snacks, drinks, food, you name it. To end the day we finished up with an intense session of Werewolf, the game known for its sparking atmosphere filled with lies, trust and relationships. This all led to the inevitable scapegoat of the game, TONY (who died first every single round).

Nam Trung, Joel, Tae Wan

Day 3 (22/1/24) - Underwater drills

Today’s been an eventful day. We started off the day with some wonderful breakfast as usual. We used the energy gained to start our activities! Group 2 and 3 sped through the day with drills done in the pool, learning how to give others air in the case of emergencies, how to put on our dive gear underwater and many more helpful dive skills. Following this educational morning, they quickly swept off to the beach for their afternoon dive in the ocean with lots of photos to see in the gallery! 

Our group, group 1, had a slightly different plan. We started the day finishing off the last diving video instructions and finished the quiz. We then (honestly, the MOST exciting part of the day) spent 4+ hours in the swimming pool learning skills! This was extremely tiring at the time but it prepped us for a full day of diving tomorrow which we’re super excited for.

The advanced group even went for a night dive! Diving into the depths of the ocean at 6pm, marveling in the beauty of the sea even during pitch black. We honestly admire them for their bravery and courage.

All in all, today was an exciting day packed with tons of fun things. And we, of course, had to end the day with an engaging game of werewolf

Tisha and Jessie

Day 4 (23/1/24) - Almost there!

As we dived deeper into the 4th day of the Philippines, our morning started with breakfast followed with the usual knowledge reviews for us open water divers in training. We then worked our way into the pool for the final bits of training for buoyancy, no air tests, and other practices. The advanced divers engaged in navigation training to finish off their course. For lunch, we had some wonderful hamburgers accompanied by french fries.

After lunch, the open-water divers had an exciting dive waiting for them. Struggling into our wet suits, we finally set sail as our anticipation grew for the marine life ahead of us. Although the underwater training was necessary, the highlight of our day was undoubtedly the encounter with the island’s treasure, the sea turtle! Every animal and scenery we came across were new memories made and new stories to be told. 

Our day came to a close with an enlightening marine conservation talk by Blue Alliance (a locally based organization that encourages local communities to set up marine protection areas) and after dinner a quiz night. The winners of the quiz night Michelle, Angelina and Helene won Inky the octopus for the night. All the divers now are ready to head to bed as we replenish for our next day. 

Helene and Natasha

Day 5 (24/1/24) - Finishing up (the course) and fun dives

All the open water groups finished their last dives for completing the course. For some people, the afternoon was spent catching up on rest, and for the rest, they took a 15-minute boat ride to Halidi Beach. The beach had a snorkelling site and our own hut to rest from the strong waves. While some were busy trying to remove sand and small rocks from their swimsuits, a group was digging a big hole in the shore for them to be buried in. Near the beach, students were able to snorkel in the shallow corals, and the boatmen got us to hold onto a rope tied across the wing of the boat to be dragged like fish caught in nets to watch the corals and fish swim by as the boat sailed in circles. Finishing up 2 days' worth of snorkelling in 30 minutes, we got out of the water shivering all the way back to the big laguna where El Galleon was waiting for us.

Sicilia and Olivia

Today Tony and Erwan did a few fun dives, In my first dive of the day I went with a group of adults who were diving for the thrill and to take some underwater pictures, we saw an electric clam, two massive turtles more than a metre long and a wide range of fascinating and intriguing creatures. In the second dive Tony joined me for his first fun dive after completing his open water course and we went to a magnificent dive site that had a trench and a bed of corals. Amongst these corals we saw a baby turtle, a pufferfish and several small lobsters in tiny hidy holes. Tony and I also messed around a bit under water. And in my last, I dove with Mr Parry and Ms Forber for a night dive near some wrecks. During the dive we saw a stargazer, several puffer fish, two black lion fish, a moray eel and a flat worm also known as a spanish dancer. As a overall we enjoyed these dives a bunch and I have also found that the first dive was my top one and the night dive is in my top in overall.

Erwan & Tony

Day 6 (25/1/24) - Fun dives

Embarking on a triple dive with our amazing friends —Tony, Natasha, Diane, Stella, Angelina, Michelle, Helene, Joel, Jessie, and Erwan — was a magical journey into the ocean's wonders.

Joined by Tony, our first dive revealed the graceful dance of waves, setting the tone for an unforgettable day. The second dive, with Natasha, Diane, Michelle, Helene, Stella, and Angelina, brought us face-to-face with a beautiful sea turtle. The final dive, partnered by Joel, Jessie, Erwan, Natasha, and Tony, unveiled an electric clam's mesmerizing bioluminescence.

To commemorate our underwater odyssey, we were each given vibrant shirts with our names as well as a certificate for completing our diving course — a combination of tangible reminders of the extraordinary adventure. Each dive etched unique memories from sea turtles to the ethereal glow of the electric clam.

Even though the dives were tiring, the views of the coral and sea life were indescribable by words or pictures. This triple dive adventure not only deepened our connection with the ocean but also strengthened the bonds of friendship. As we reflect on this extraordinary day, we're left with lasting impressions of the wonders that await beneath the waves, sparking a desire for more aquatic adventures with our great friends in the future.

Kevin and ChatGPT