Research Activities



         Our research focuses on translational medical applications. We are cell/molecular biologists and bioengineers who are developing new technologies ranging from new thermal treatment paradigms to treat cancer to novel stem cell bioprocessing methodologies and preservation technologies. Our overall basic research theme of " Cell Stress" is the foundation for the development of new laboratory equipment, cancer treatment devices, engineered tissues and new stem cell biobanking technologies. See the Cell Stress diagram at the end of this column to understand how these activities are interconnected. Our research has always been associated with industry and medical schools such as Johns Hopkins Medical School and Schepens Eye Research Institute.  See RT America's 2018 news release on our work ( or an article in the Fall 2018 BU Magazine

Active Federal and State Grants in the Last 15 years

1R43GM153014-01A1   NIH/NIGMS          Awarded: 5/1/24

      A Novel Multicomponent DMSO Free Cryococktail and Recovery Reagent for the Improved Cryopreservation of NK Cells.  Goals: To develop a DMSO free cryopreservation solution designed to improve the biobanking, stoage  and distribution of cells used in immunotherapy.

1R43DK135117-01           NIH/NIDDK          Awarded: 9/22/22

        FrostBite-DMR - A New Drug-Free Approach for Treating Type 2 Diabetes. Goals: To develop a thermal medical device and process that can safely and efficiently achieve Duodenal Mucosal Resurfacing as a drug-free option for treating Type 2 Diabetes.

1R43HL149145-01          NIH/NHLBI           Awarded: 9/23/19

            A New Multimodal Ablation Catheter for Treating Cardiac Arrhythmias. Goals: To develop a catheter that can heat, freeze of heat-freeze targeted sites in the heart to control atrial fibrillation. 

3R44HL130805-03S1      NIH/NHLBI           Awarded: 7/03/19

            Administrative Supplement to Promote Diversity in Research and Development Small Businesses-SBIR/STTR. Goals: Develop a training program in biotechnology focusing on SBIR grant writing and business plan development.

1R43HL142319-01           NIH/NHLBI           Awarded: 9/21/18

            Development of an Advanced Cryothermal Ablation Catheter and Method for Treating Cardiac Arrhythmias. Goals: To develop a novel cryoablation device for the targeted treatment of ventricular tachycardia and other heart arrhythmias.

1R43GM129851-01          NIH/NIGMS           Awarded: 8/3/18

            A Novel Device and Rescue Solution for the Improved Post-thaw Viability and Function of Stem Cells used in Cell Therapy Goals: To develop both novel clinical grade laboratory devices and post-thaw rescue solutions for improved human stem cell viability and function subsequent to biobanking.

1R43CA224431-01A1      NIH/NCI                Awarded: 7/17/18

            A Unique Deployable Thermosensor Probe for the Minimally Invasive Treatment of Renal Tumors. Goals: To develop a unique multifunctional device for the improved thermal ablation if non-metastatic renal tumors.

2R44HL130805-02           NIH/NHLBI            Awarded: 7/15/18

            The SmartBio System for the Improved Preservation of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells (Phase II). Goals: To develop clinical-grade devices for the improved biobanking and thawing of hematopoietic stem cells.

2R44CA183265-01A1      NIH/NCI                Awarded: 8/15/17 

            FrostBite - A Unique Catheter for Endoscopic Cryoablation. Goals: To develop a new thermal ablation device and associated peripherals for the targeted ablation of pancreatic, liver and other tumors.

1R43CA210761-01A1      NIH/NCI                Awarded: 8/11/17

            FrostBite-BC - A New Thermal Ablation Device for Treating Bladder Cancer. Goals: To develop a unique thermal ablation probe for the treatment of bladder cancer.           

1R43HL130805-01A1       NIH/NHLBI           Awarded: 9/13/16

            The SmartBio System for the Improved Preservation of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells (Phase 1) Goals: To develop and optimize a new documentable, dry thaw device for the improved thawing of human stem cells to be used in clinical applications.

1R43CA206581-01A1       NIH/NCI                Awarded: 9/1/16

            ERASE - A new dual thermal ablation/SCN device system for treating pancreatic cancer. Goals: To develop a unique, multifunctional catheter system coupled to a unique cryoablation medical device for the targeted ablation of pancreatic tumors.

C030324                                NYS/DOH             Awarded: 11/1/15

          Prostate Cancer Research. Goals: Source of funds for competitive internal mini-grants (Binghamton University faculty and students only) focused on innovative projects that lead to novel treatments of prostate cancer.

W81XWH-15-C-0102         DoD(USAMRAA)  Awarded: 9/28/15

          Optimal Rewarming Solutions for Cryopreserved Tissue Systems. Goals: To determine if the manipulation of cell stress signaling pathways can be leveraged for more successful long term cold storage of human tissues and organs.

1R43CA195948-01A1        NIH/NCI                    Awarded: 9/1/15

           Development of a Minimally Invasive Surgical Device for the Treatment of Esophageal Cancer. Goals: To develop a a new medical device for the cryoablation of cancer of the esophagus.

1R43CA183265-01             NIH/NCI                     Awarded: 5/6/14

            FrostBite - A Unique Catheter for Endoscopic Cryoablation. Goals: To develop a unique type of cryo catheter for specific endoscopic applications.

1R43EB014599-01             NIH/NIBIB                 Awarded: 9/1/12

            FACSGuard - An additive for Improving Flow Cytometry Yield. Goals: To develop a protective cocktail to improve flow cytometry cell yield of fragile cell types such as cancer stem cells and other stem cell types that are in low abundance.

1R43DE022486-01A1         NIH/NIDCR           Awarded: 9/1/12

            A New Normothermic Solution for Protecting Avulsed Teeth Prior to Re-implantation Goals: To develop a new methodology relying on the modulation of cell stress pathways such that the success of re-implanting knocked out teeth is improved.

1R43DK091952-01A1         NIH/NIDDK           Awarded: 9/20/11

            CellGuard-TD improves human tissue digestion and subculturing Goals: To develop improved methods of subculturing primary human cells from their constitutent organs so that higher yield and function will result when these cells are used for cell therapy applications.

1R43RR032140-01              NIH/NCRR            Awarded: 7/1/11

            Enhanced Bioprocessing Strategies for Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells.Goals: To investigate the cell stress pathways activated in human mesenchymal stem cells during bioprocessing.

1R43RR031963-01              NIH/NCRR             Awarded: 6/1/11

           Automated Device for High Throughput Cryopreservation Goals: Develop an automated liquid nitrogen-driven machine that can be used by pharmaceutical companies for the rapid biprocessing of multiple cell samples.

NYSTEM N09C-009             NYS                            Awarded: 7/1/10

           The Business and Biology of Stem Cells in Cell Therapy Goals: To develop a unique set of stem cell courses that includes the discussion of the science, ethics, politics, commercial aspects and religion behind stem cell therapy.  A laboratory exposure in stem cell differentiation at our biotechnology company is a component of the course series.  

1R43DK083800-01              NIH/NIDDK             Awarded: 5/1/09

           CellGuard – A Novel Approach for Protecting Cells during Bioprocessing Goals: To develop a liver-specific set of solutions that will protect harvested hepatocytes during the isolation process from whole liver.

1R43GM084538-01             NIH/NIGMS            Awarded: 5/15/08                

            Development of an In Situ Anhydrobiotic Tissue Culture Process. Goals: To develop a unique approach to improved biobanking of human and animals cells.

2R44EY015575-02A1          NIH/NEI                   Awarded: 3/1/08

            Hypothermic Storage and Cryopreservation of Corneas. Goals: To develop unique solutions and processes for the improved transplant of human corneas to vision-compromised patients.


Cancer Research:

        We are developing both novel medical devices as well as adjunctive technology for the improved thermal ablation of a variety of cancers including prostate, esophageal and pancreatic cancer - all funded by NIH. A new project funded by NIH in 2022 uses thermal ablation as a means to resurface the small intestine as a means to treat diabetes. This type of research demands the ability to develop new medical instrumentation as well as executing a wide variety of cell and molecular methods that include gel electrophoresis, PCR, microarrays, western blots, tissue engineering, flow cytometry and a variety of human cell culture techniques.

Cell and Tissue Bioprocessing:

        Another arm of our research is developing improved technologies and devices for the bioprocessing of human cells and tissues as well as the long term storage of human tissues and organs. Our approach is to identify cell-specific stress pathways in target cells such as stem cells, corneal endothelial cells and hepatocytes so that the isolation and processing of these cells, tissues and organs at ambient and normothermic temperatures can be improved. We have also developed engineered human tissues (tissue engineered constructs) that can be used for testing the efficacy of new medical devices such as those listed below. 

Medical Device Development

        Our company, CPSI Biotech, is actively engaged in developing new thermal ablation medical devices designed to target a variety of tumors ranging from prostate to pancreatic cancer. Two new devices, the PSN and SCN systems along with their patented thermal probes, are being tested at a variety of medical school venues. They rely on unique and patented methodologies that allow CPSI to generate extremely cold temperatures at the end of unique catheters that result in the cryoablation of tumors. Our molecular biology team is investigating which cell stress signaling pathways can be triggered to make the thermal ablation more effective. In addition we are identifying compounds that can improve the cryoablation process - a type of compound referred to as cryosensitizer or cryoadjuvant. 

Laboratory Device Development

        We are also developing laboratory devices that rely on advanced thermal technologies. One such example is SmartThaw shown to the right designed for the documentable dry thawing of cells for both basic research and clinical cell therapy. 


Representative Peer-Reviewed Publications