
          Major Accomplishments:

·       Group awarded 90+ grants and contracts from NIH, NSF, NYS, DoD, biotech, pharma, private agencies. Chair, NIH IMST 15 Study Section "Cell and Molecular Biology" 2014 - 2016.  Panel member NIH SBIR study sections - 30 years

·        Developed first commercially successful tissue engineered human epidermis (skin) now sold internationally by MatTek Corp. (Ashland, MA - A BICO Company) and used by many US and international cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies as well as basic research scientists.

·        Originated concept of and co-developed the CytoFluor 2300 fluorescent plate reader while a consultant for Millipore Corporation. First plate reading spectrofluorometer.

·        Co-developed BioLife Solutions Inc’s (BLFS;Nasdaq) HTS-FRS storage solution now in cell therapy clinical trials. These and related solutions are used for the short term and long term storage of cells in a variety of applications.

·       Past Vice President of Research/Business Development, BioLife Solutions, the first incubator biotechnology company on any SUNY campus.

·       Vice President/Director of Research of CPSI Biotech, the second incubator biotechnology company on the SUNY Binghamton campus.

·        Past consultant for a variety of organizations including MatTek Corporation, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Corning Corporation, Millipore Corporation and Cryomedical Sciences Inc.

·        Authored CD-ROM as electronic companion for Cell and Molecular Biology. Author of two problem-solving text books in cell and molecular biology (Scientific American/W.H. Freeman; Cogito).


Major Awards/Honors:



Harvard University            Postdoc               1985  (Harvard Medical School -DFCI)

Harvard University            Ph.D.                      1983 (Harvard Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology)

University of Vermont      M.A.T.                   1975

University of Vermont      B.A.                        1972

Military Service:

U.S. Air Force   1971 - 1977 (Honorable Discharge)

Academic Appointments:

Binghamton University:

2018 - PRESENT        Director, Center for Translational Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering

2001 - 2004                 Director, Advanced Biotechnologies Center

2000 - 2003                 Chair, Department of Biological Sciences

2000 - PRESENT        Assoc. Dir., Institute of Biomedical Technology

1997 - PRESENT        Leading Professor, Department of Biological Sciences

1996 - 1997             Interim Chair, Department of Biological Sciences

1992 - 1996                 Assoc. Professor, Department of Biological Sciences

1986 - 1991             Asst. Professor, Department of Biological Sciences

Harvard University:

1983 - 2001             Visiting faculty member, Harvard University Summer/Extension School

1983 - 1985             Lecturer in Biology, Harvard Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology

1983 - 1985                 Instructor in Biology, Harvard University Extension School

1982 - 1985                 Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School/Dana Farber Cancer Institute

1981 - 1983               Instructor in Biology, Harvard Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology

Hamilton College:

1975 - 1978                 Instructor in Biology, Department of Biology