School Counseling

Welcome to the BTGS Counseling Page! 

In order to promote the success of all students, the mission of the Big Timber Grade School Counseling Program is to enhance all students’ academic, career, and social/emotional development through delivering a comprehensive school counseling program.

Meet the Counselors! 

Mrs. Mikayla Keller

BTGS School Counselor


Mrs. Keller will be on maternity leave beginning Feb. 20, 2024 through the end of the school year in May. Please reach out to Ms. Christel with any questions or concerns.

Ms. Christel Hendricks

School Counseling Intern


Ms. Christel is currently finishing her School Counseling program at MSU. She has been a fantastic addition to BTGS this year! 

Guidance Lessons in K-8 Classrooms

The school counselor visits all classrooms every other week to teach guidance lessons to support whole child development, focused on the three areas- academic, career, social/emotional development. 

Each month, lessons will center around the following themes:

Junior High students (grades 7th & 8th) will be learning about: conflict resolution, dealing with drama and bullying, social media safety, healthy friendships, stress management, and mental health awareness/ coping strategies . 

Individual Counseling

Individual counseling is available to all Big Timber Grade School students. The school counselor provides short-term counseling services to students that are referred by school staff, parents, and the students themselves.  If you are interested in the school counselor working with your child, you are welcome to contact your child's teacher or the school counselor directly. 

There are a wide variety of reasons a student may visit with the school counselor. Some of these reasons may include, but are not limited to: 

*School counselors do not provide therapeutic services in a school setting. If the school counselor believes that an outside therapist  is the most supportive option to meet your child's unique needs, she will provide you with referrals to a credible therapists. If you would like your child to begin working with a therapist, you may contact the school counselor and she can assist you with this process.

Small Group Counseling

The school counselor offers small groups at BTGS to teach important skills. Examples of groups that may be offered include: study skills, social skills, friendship skills, worry/anxiety management, sportsmanship, and new student welcome groups.   If your child is invited to participate in a group, this does not indicate a problem! Your child's teacher may recommend him or her for a particular group. School counselors emphasize to students that anyone can be a part of a group, it is simply their turn to participate! 

Referrals to Community Mental Health Resources

For mental health emergencies, please contact The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at: 


School counselors support students through short-term counseling interventions, however do not provide long-term therapeutic services in a school setting. If the school counselor believes that an outside therapist  is the most supportive option to meet your child's unique needs, she will provide you with a referrals to credible therapists in the surrounding area. Telehealth services are also available.  If you would like your child to begin working with a therapist, the school counselor can assist you with this process.

Kelso's Choice

BTGS uses the Kelso Choices curriculum to teach conflict management skills in the K-5 classrooms. 

Our goal at school is to teach students positive ways to independently problem solve. To do this, we are asking students who have small problems to try using Kelso Choices. A small problem may result in a student feeling sad or mad at someone. For small problems, we encourage students to use at least two of the choices on the Kelso Choice wheel. Big problems need adult help to be resolved. For instance, a big problem may result in the child feeling scared, worried, or threatened. 

In classroom guidance lessons with the school counselor, students learn to discern the difference between small problems that they can solve on their own and big problems that they need to communicate to an adult. 

Try using Kelso's Choice wheel to help reinforce problem solving at home with siblings too!

K-3 Kelso Choice Wheel

4th and 5th Wheel