About Us

Mr. Fanger - cfanger@basdschools.org


        PennState University

        Wilkes University


        Health/Physical Education (BS)

        Special Education (M)

Ms Schaffrick - rschaffrick@basdschools.org


        East Stroudsburg University 

        Wilkes University


        Health Education (BS)

        Physical Education (BS)

        Classroom Technology (MS)

Mr. Weaver - tweaver@basdschools.org


        East Stroudsburg University

Lehigh University


        Health/Physical Education (BS)

Educational Leadership (MS)

What We Hope To Accomplish...

To get every student up and moving!! 

To help students learn responsibility.

To see, throughout the years, a decline in Obesity Rates and an increase in the number of people who chose lifetime fitness and wellness.

To have the students understand the importance of living a healthy lifestyle, to make healthy decisions, and stay physically active.

To make learning fun and interesting through different activities, while challenging the students to always give their best effort.

To be positive roll models and lead by example.