7th Grade

Topics That Will Be Covered -

*Exercise & Health Benefits

Benefits of Physical Activity

Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility

Body Composition

Use it or lose it

*Circulatory System

Function of the Circulatory System

Pathway of Blood throughout the body

Care of the Circulatory System

*Respiratory System (Cancer, Tobacco, Drugs)

Function and Parts of the Respiratory System

Breathing Process

Problems of the Respiratory System

Harmful ingredients in tobacco and the affects on the body

Causes and different kinds of Cancer

How to reduce the risk of developing Cancer

*Nervous System

Importance of wearing a helmet

Neck injuries

*Reproductive/Endocrine Systems

Function of the Reproductive and Endocrine Systems

Organs and structures in the Male and Female Reproductive Systems

Problems of the Male and Female Reproductive Systems

Care of the Male and Female Reproductive System

*Decision Making/Communication

I vs You

Pitch, Tone, Volume and Body Language

Decision Making steps


Nutrient groups

Benefits of good nutrition

Importance of Breakfast

Healthful snacks

Portion Distortion

Basic understanding of food labels (more in depth in 8th grade)