About Us

Our Vision

Donegan Elementary will be a place where teachers and staff create a framework for social and individual responsibility with emphasis on academic excellence and high social standards. Teachers build strong connections with parents, community and community partners. Students will attend school every day, celebrate diversity, work hard and apply their educational knowledge, while increasing participation in civic engagement and community service opportunities. Parents will actively support their children at home and in the school. The community partners will help create, support and maintain programs and services that will inspire students, parents and staff to become actively engaged in the process of reaching towards higher expectations, practices and opportunities while embracing a spirit of respect, diversity, resilience, strength and kindness.

School Demographics

Student enrollment including Spark: 508 Students (does not include Head Start classroom)

Hispanic: 401 students (79%)

Non-Hispanic: 107 students (21%)

Student qualifying for free or reduced lunch: 492 students (97%)

English as a Second Language (ESL): 114 students (22%)

Migrant Students: 11 Students (2%)

Revised 2/26/16