Tips for

Integrating Technology

(Currently Under Construction)

Overwhelmed (Not knowing where to start?)

            1. Start Small

              1. Find something that makes you say, “I can do that…”

            2. Start with impact

              1. What will have the most and/or best impact on my students?

              2. Is there an area where they are struggling or an area that needs to be improved?

            3. Start with passion.

              1. What are you excited about?

              2. Is there something your students are excited about?

edutopia article

After reading the linked article above, the following additional tips will help provide structure when integrating (infusing) technology into a curricular goal.

Tip #1

Clear Reason for Using Tool

Integrating technology should come after the curricular goal is clearly present/stated.

Why do you want to use this tool?

How will this tool help your or your students reach their curricular goal?

Good Reasons

*The tool could allow students to create, collaborate, critically think, communicate, etc...

* It may improve learning for some or all students.

*It could demonstrate what a student has learned.

Tip # 2

Be in the Right Mindset

Integrating technology requires a ton of flexibility and patience.

Things will go wrong. Expecting and dealing with problems and setbacks, rather than getting frustrated and upset by them, makes it possible to keep moving forward.

Reboot and Undo. Know that many technical difficulties can be solved by simply restarting a program or device. Be sure to also look for the "undo" button: in many programs, there's a way to reverse that terrible thing you just did.

Reach out to your building Technology Leader, Technology Team members, or a friend. It's simply NOT possible for any one person to know everything, so get comfortable with asking for help from colleagues, friends, and students. Don't let the fear of feel ignorant stop you.

Tip # 3

Begin Small (and Low-Risk).

Celebrate the small successes. Begin with a tool that's relatively easy and that won't have a big impact on your instructional content or time. Some tools, to begin with, might be:

-QR Codes

-Google Doc

-Google Slides

Before you begin, be sure to read Tip #4

Tip # 4

Search for the (most current) Video Tutorial

Tip # 5

Do Tests Runs

Tip # 6

Prepare for Setbacks and have Backup Plan(s).

Tip # 7

Reflect and Revise