Sample Assignments Comp I

Paper #1 Materials

    • READ the On-line introduction to Aims and Modes

    • READ The Introduction in Purpose, Pattern and Process (PPP)

    • READ The PPP Expressive Writing Chapter

    • READ The PPP Description Chapter

    • READ Ideas and Details Chapters (Part III of Purpose, Pattern, Process )

    • READ at least 2 of these Texas Monthly Articles "Where I am From" (use the down arrows to scroll down to find the Feature Articles)


    • WRITE Journal #1 on Blackboard

    • TAKE Quiz #1 on Blackboard

    • WRITE Paper #1 and submit on Blackboard

Paper #1 : Essay Instructions Aim: Expressive / Mode: Description

From your journal entry or from a new idea, please write a 1-2 page paper (500-1000 word essay ) on a place which is important to you. Here are some suggested location types. Make sure you have at least 3 paragraphs including an introduction, a description of the place, and why it is important to you.

Here are some suggested places you can write about:Around the Neighborhood | The Natural World | No Place Like Home | Landmarks | Gathering Places